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20 December 2015

My partner's parents are getting back together for the wrong reasons- what can I do?

Hi Amelia, It may be best to stay out of this one- if you get involved then it may only cause more upset within the family unit. It is always ...
19 December 2015

Should I end my relationship or wait and see if any feelings develop?

Hi Anonymous, Often a gut reaction is there for a reason, however sometimes you can be proved wrong. Although he might be dating you- getting along with your family can ...
18 December 2015

Should I work abroad with my boyfriend next year?

Hi Tina, If you are unsure what to do with your future, then perhaps this would give you the time to figure out what it really is you want to ...
17 December 2015

My wife won't have a threesome, should I just watch porn instead?

Hi Andy, Although watching porn might satisfy your itch for an orgasm it won't improve things with your wife. Have you spoken to her about your sex life? Perhaps this ...
16 December 2015

How can I get over my college crush?

Hi Nalini, It sounds like you need to make a decision of whether you want him in your life as a friend or whether you could move on faster if ...
15 December 2015

How do I break away from a bad friend?

Hi Lisa, If people believe the things she's saying then they're not your friends either. If she is trying to blacken your name, then the people who love you and ...
10 December 2015

Why doesn't he want us to be exclusive till the New Year?

Hi Lucy, It does seem like an odd request given that he has told you he loves you- so why not ask him? I’m sure if it was the other way ...
9 December 2015

Why does my best friend never check up on me?

Hi Janet, Some friends are fair weather friends and are only there when things are going well; others are there through the thick and thin. Perhaps your friend is the ...
7 December 2015

Is he playing games with me?

Hi Karen, People make excuses when they don't want to do something and somehow find the time to do things that they do. What I mean is- if he wanted ...
6 December 2015

My partner has now got a female roommate- what should I do?

Hi Julie, If you trust him then him having a female roommate should not be an issue, so is it possible that you don't trust him as much as you ...
5 December 2015

How can I tell my friend his coat offends me?

Hi Walter, What is it about the coat that you find so offensive? Is it the smell? Is it old? Unfashionable? Does it have something written on the back? If ...
4 December 2015

How should I cope with my man now he's changed?

Hi Cazzyboo, It sounds like most of your troubles arose after you had your baby. Perhaps he is struggling with parenthood and he's taking it out on you? Maybe ...
3 December 2015

Why does what happened on my fiancée's hen do bother me so much?

Hi John, The trouble with hen and stag parties is; things that wouldn't normally be socially acceptable suddenly become so. Under no other circumstance would your girlfriend let another man ...
3 December 2015

Is it wrong of me to leave my family at Christmas?

It can be difficult to break a habit with people when you have done the same thing for so long at Christmastime. The most important thing to remember is that ...
2 December 2015

When should I ask my girlfriend about her moment of weakness?

Hi Dave, If you trust her and you believed her when she told you that nothing happened, then it's not a lot to ask to discuss it with her. If ...

2 December 2015

I don't want to invite her for Christmas- do I need to explain?

Hi Helen, Christmas is a time where we all feel pressure to have people over who we don’t want to celebrate with. If your tradition is to celebrate Christmas then it ...
1 December 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to tidy up before I visit?

Hi Emma, You shouldn't have to clean up his mess- if he lets it get into such a state, then he should be the one to sort it out. With ...
30 November 2015

How can we tell her we don't want to live with her?

Hi Sarah, I would suggest that honesty is the best policy here- if you hang on till the end of the academic year- it will only make it harder to ...
30 November 2015

Why is my wife lying to me about where she's going?

Hi DD, If you offer her nothing but honesty in your relationship then you should expect the same in return. If you are suspicious about her behaviour then it may ...
26 November 2015

Why is he ignoring me after our date?

Hi Iliana, He might have been busy and neglected to text you because his mind has been on work or something else. Perhaps your opinions of the how the night ...
25 November 2015

Is he being truthful when he says I'm the love of his life?

Hi Rebecca, It seems that you both want different things here. If he's confused then it might hurt you less to walk away. If you were to bend your own ...
25 November 2015

Why do I feel that something isn't right with my partner?

Hi Mike, It sounds like something might be going on behind the scenes here to make her change her mind so quickly. Perhaps if you have paid for things like ...
24 November 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to trust me?

Hi Teniqua, It sounds like he may have residual trust issues from a previous relationship. If his last girlfriend cheated on him then maybe it has made him very sensitive ...
24 November 2015

How can I get over my love of 11 years?

Hi Hayley, After 11 years of feeling the same way it will be hard to alter your thought processes and break the habit of loving this person. Perhaps some counselling ...