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1 October 2015

Should I ask my work colleague out on a date?

Hi Ellen, You would potentially be putting a relationship at a great disadvantage if he is to leave in just 5 weeks. If he did feel the same way, 5 ...
1 October 2015

How can I get my partner to initiate sex?

Hi Hussain, I would suggest talking to your partner about your sex life first. Couples can get into routines- if you have always been the one who's initiated sex, then ...

1 October 2015

How can I deal with the theft in my house share?

Hi Kayla, Perhaps you could talk to your roommates and ask them if they know anything about your tablet. If you have not met them all yet, then this might ...
30 September 2015

How can I ask my girlfriend to spend more time with me?

It sounds like your girlfriend might still be in the honeymoon phase with her dancing. If it's a new thing, then the novelty might wear off at some point, leaving ...

29 September 2015

Is it normal to feel jealous when my boyfriend goes out with his mates?

Many partners feel jealous when their loved one goes out with their friends. It can make people feel insecure if they think their partner is having more fun with their ...
29 September 2015

I heard my son and daughter in law having sex- should I tell them?

Although it might have been awkward to hear your son and daughter in law having sex- it sounds like it's been a comfort to you to find out that their ...
25 September 2015

Is looking at porn classed as cheating?

Most men watch porn. They are very visual creatures whereas women are more psychological creatures. Men need to look at something whereas women can get themselves off with their imagination ...

24 September 2015

How can I get over the guilt of kissing another man?

If he forgave you, then it sounds like he accepted that it was a mistake, that you won't do it again and has moved on. The guilt may be strong ...
24 September 2015

My parents are having marital problems- what should I do?

Although you are a family unit, it sounds like this problem is between them if its marriage related as opposed to family related. Rather than getting involved or taking sides, ...
23 September 2015

How can I be sexually confident with a new person?

Chances are you didn't feel 100% comfortable with your previous partner right from the beginning. The likelihood was that you built up your confidence with them over time and you ...
23 September 2015

How can I tell my boyfriend I want to go back to being friends?

Although relationships move away from sex and more towards friendships the longer you are together, there still needs to be an element of attraction the beginning of any pairing. It ...
23 September 2015

How can I be close to my friend when I hate her boyfriend?

I would firstly ask why you don't like her boyfriend? Is it because he takes her time up that she could be spending with you? Are you jealous that she ...
22 September 2015

Should I leave my husband and move back home?

Perhaps the move has given you time to think and compare- maybe you are comparing your previous husband to your new one and he isn't measuring up. If he was ...
22 September 2015

Why am I bothered by my boyfriend's sexual past?

It is understandable that this might have come as quite a shock to you. Perhaps the amount of partners has made you worried about his fidelity to you. If he ...
21 September 2015

Why doesn't my friend text me?

Perhaps you should talk to him about this. It sounds like this is something that is bothering you but you haven't discussed it with him. If you tell him then ...
21 September 2015

How can I tell my friend she's a bad influence?

It is good that you have identified the influence she could potentially have over you or has had already. Some people don't even realise this until it's too late. They ...
21 September 2015

Why do I feel so guilty?

Sometimes people can feel guilty for not doing something with their free time- this is perfectly normal. Often we can feel guilty for doing very little with our time off ...
18 September 2015

Why has my husband set up profiles on dating sites?

Curiosity can drive us to do some out of the ordinary things; however it is normal- it's what you do about it that matters. It does sound like he was ...
17 September 2015

Why does my wife drink and expect sex every night?

It seems that you have both just got into a habit. Habits are really hard to break, however if you are keen on helping your wife, then you will need ...
16 September 2015

Why does my girlfriend want to go speed dating?

If you were both going then it could be something fun for you to do together. If you both had the same attitude towards speed dating, then it could potentially ...
16 September 2015

Why won't she talk about the kiss?

She might just be embarrassed and if you're not talking about it, then she may think that it was a kiss and nothing more or a mistake from your point ...
14 September 2015

Why won't my partner talk to me after our argument?

It sounds like whatever you argued about has hit a nerve with him and its taking him a little longer than normal to think it over. If you have tried ...
14 September 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to consider me more?

It sounds like because he still lives with his parents, he has fallen into a routine of thinking of himself first because he may not have had to consider someone ...
11 September 2015

Why won't my boyfriend commit and move in with me?

If you feel it's always on his terms then could you suggest a moving to a house that is located between where you both live? That way no one is ...