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11 September 2015

Why does my mum think my son is spoiled?

The important thing to remember here is that what your mother said is her opinion, at a time when, like you say she was having difficulties. People say things they ...
10 September 2015

Why does it feel like I'm cheating on my girlfriend?

You have been with your partner for almost fifteen years. That's a long time to keep things fresh. Perhaps things have got stagnant with your partner and that is why ...
8 September 2015

I don't find my boyfriend sexually attractive anymore- what should I do?

What is it that you don't find sexually attractive anymore? Is it his appearance? Is it what he does to you in bed? Is it his attitude towards sex? It ...
8 September 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to take better care of his appearance and personal hygiene?

If you have already broken up over this and your partner has not changed then perhaps he never will as the thought of losing you does not seem to have ...
7 September 2015

Why does sex hurt?

There are four possible reasons for sex hurting. First, is an STI- they can make sex particularly painful so perhaps make an appointment with your doctor to get checked out ...
7 September 2015

How will I cope when my boyfriend goes travelling?

Long distance relationships are hard- there is no doubt about that but couples who have had to go through a time of being physically absent from one another often have ...
3 September 2015

How can I get over my office crush?

Perhaps the reason you are so drawn to her is because you associate her with good things. If she is constantly showering you with gifts and treats, then perhaps when ...
3 September 2015

How can I get my husband to be more intimate?

I would suggest making an appointment with a sex counsellor at somewhere like Relate. As you say, it does sounds like he is still capable of the type of intimacy ...
3 September 2015

How can I tell if a guy is into me?

If someone is really keen, then usually they make time to talk or see you. If you both got into the habit of talking every day then perhaps this is ...
2 September 2015

Why do I feel like I've wasted my life?

Everyone has periods in their life they regret, however it's important to explore through those feelings and look for the positive things that came from it. Perhaps now you now ...
2 September 2015

Why won't my boyfriend tell his father we're together?

It is understandable that you might feel down at your partner not being honest with his father. Often in this situation, it is tempting to look inwardly and start to ...
2 September 2015

Should I stick by my boyfriend or leave him for my ex?

It could be that you are drawn to your ex because you are having a hard time with your boyfriend. It is much easier to think the grass is greener ...
1 September 2015

How can I tell my husband I'm unhappy?

Perhaps leaving his job and moving back home is not the only option to relieve you of this unhappiness. Could you ask your friends and family to come and visit ...
1 September 2015

How can I help my parents financially?

Do you have the time to get a job? Perhaps you could send some money back over to them to help ease their finances if you were able to find ...
31 August 2015

Does she want me or my body?

If you are unsure about what she wants, then it might put your mind at ease if you just ask her. If you are parting ways soon and feel some ...

30 August 2015

My partner's parents think I'm rude- what should I do?

Just because you don't have the same habits as another family does NOT make you a failure, immature or stupid. Every family is brought up differently and it is not ...
29 August 2015

My daughter wants to end our relationship- what should I do?

It sounds like you and your daughter made and agreement and perhaps you didn't tell her about your change of heart. She may be angrier at the fact you didn't ...
28 August 2015

Why do my knees make noises when I move?

This is very common- most people get this when they bend down and go through a full arc or motion of their knee joint. If you are worried why a ...
27 August 2015

How will I cope if my boyfriend gets a longer prison sentence?

If you are struggling with your mental health, then it might be time to see a counsellor. While you are finding ways to cope with what's happening with your partner, ...
26 August 2015

My daughter won't reply to my letters- should I visit her?

It sounds like you have tried really hard to re-establish contact with your children. There is nothing and no one to say that you can't stop writing your letters- one ...
25 August 2015

How do I tell him I'm not pregnant?

If you genuinely thought you were pregnant at the time, then this person should not hold it against you. False positives can occur with home testing kits if they are ...
25 August 2015

I don't like my partner's friends- what should I do?

There is an element of compromise in any relationship and sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do to keep our partners happy. The time you spend ...
24 August 2015

Should I enter the singing competition?

Often we regret the things we don't do more than the things we do, so perhaps you will regret it more if you don't take your chance now while it's ...
24 August 2015

Who should we choose to be our bridesmaids and pageboys?

It does sound like a difficult choice, especially as children often expect to be asked and find it difficult to understand the reasoning behind not being chosen. Parents can be ...