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10 August 2015

How can I better the relationship between my sister in law and my wife?

It sounds like everyone knows about this situation but no one will speak of it with your partner or your sister in law. Perhaps you could all sit down together ...
9 August 2015

How can I stop feeling so low?

It sounds like there are a lot of things that could making you feel this way. It could be something isolated, or it could be a combination of factors and ...
7 August 2015

I had unprotected sex last week, am I pregnant?

The symptoms you are displaying could be signs of pregnancy- yes. After conception the fertilised egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus which can cause spotting and cramping. ...
5 August 2015

Is my boyfriend being too judgemental?

It sounds like you have got a lot on your plate right now and it is genuinely difficult to fit in your workouts. Although you have a goal to aim ...
4 August 2015

How can I help my depressed boyfriend?

It sounds like this was a very difficult thing for him to tell you, if he has never told anyone before. The first step is often on of the hardest, ...
4 August 2015

Was I right to give my boyfriend a second chance after he cheated?

It's understandable that you have had and probably will have dreams about him cheating as it's playing on your mind. If you don't talk to someone about your fears of ...
4 August 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to game less?

In every relationship, it's important that couples find things to do alone and together, however if this becomes unbalanced then someone ends up feeling unhappy. Perhaps he hasn't realised how ...
3 August 2015

Should we break the dating cycle and stay as friends?

It sounds like you have explored being a couple many times to establish if it's for you. Perhaps if the spark isn't there now it never will be, as this ...
31 July 2015

Does my ex partner regret breaking up with me?

Relationships are about being there for each other in the good and the bad. When you lost the baby, clearly this was a tragic time for you both. A time ...
31 July 2015

How can I get my girlfriend back when she thinks I'm a liar?

Women can feel very vulnerable about their partner going to a strip club for stag dos etc., especially if they have low self-esteem in the first place. It can feel ...
30 July 2015

She's still living with her ex- am I fighting a losing battle?

Perhaps, you need to find out how she feels about you first. That might be the best place to start as you seem to be fixating on the future, without ...
30 July 2015

How can I tell my mum that her living with us is only temporary?

She might make the decision to move out on her own as she may remember what it was like to be your age and in need of space. However, if ...
29 July 2015

How can I get my best friend to realise how much she means to me?

Why not write her a letter? That will give you more space to share your feelings than a text and she might pay attention if you have taken the time ...
29 July 2015

I love my wife but like another woman- what should I do?

Perhaps the reason you are so drawn to this other woman is due to issues you might have with your wife. It might be worth exploring things you are not ...
29 July 2015

How can I ask him if he's serious about me?

Two months is not the long to be with someone. If you have strong feelings for him now then you might need to be patient as people develop feelings for ...

28 July 2015

How can I get my boyfriend to trust me again?

Although it may not have meant anything to you, it is understandable that your boyfriend reacted negatively. How would you have felt if he was doing the same with another ...
28 July 2015

Why did my fiance break up with me?

It sounds like she might have been swept up in the excitement of travelling with you. If you had nothing but each other for a couple of years, then maybe ...
27 July 2015

I am scared of getting caught having sex outside what should we do?

Perhaps one way you could compromise is to take a camping trip- and have sex quietly on the edge of a campsite (so you don't disturb families) or somewhere off ...
27 July 2015

Why do I feel like my boyfriend is fed up with me?

There is a possibility that he might be fed up, but the only way you will know for sure is if you ask him. Couples get fed up of each ...
27 July 2015

Why can't I stop thinking about the stripper my fiance hired?

Women often find it difficult to cope with their men going to a strip club for their stag party, imaginations run riot and often we make up scenarios that we ...
24 July 2015

Should I tell my fiance I don't like my ring?

Sadly rings get a lot more focus than the couple when an engagement comes around. There are also lots of rumours surrounding engagement bands; that men should spend the equivalent ...
24 July 2015

How can I get my partner to have more sex with me?

Twice a week is the norm for many couples, however if this is less than when you first started dating- it's not necessarily a bad thing. Couples have less sex ...

23 July 2015

Should I take him back after he kissed another woman?

Even though you had technically broken up, it is understandable that you hurt after finding out he kissed someone so quickly. It might be more painful because it's someone you ...
23 July 2015

How can I tell him I want more?

It sounds like this man has become a light in your life at a time that you describe as 'hell'. Perhaps you getting along so well has made you drawn ...