Research recently conducted by FlirtFinder, the mobile dating site, shows that men and women in their thirties are more active when trying to find their Mr or Mrs Right.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

FlirtFinder found that out of 10.4 million messages sent, 70 per cent were sent by members aged 30 or over, making them the most active age group on the site.

It’s a common thought that the younger generation are more savvy when it comes to mobile dating, but this new research shows that the 30+ age group are stepping up to the plate and actively trying new ways to find their life partner.

FlirtFinder found that a female member aged 34 is contacted by twice as many men as a 20-year-old, showing that mobile dating is a convenient and effective way for those who have larger commitments, such as a job and children, to find their perfect match.

Justin Battell, Managing Director of FlirtFinder couldn’t agree more. He says “Our most active members are older - probably because they have less time to go out and meet new people. Many men and women aged 30 plus have children, or busy careers, so the idea of going clubbing on a Friday night just doesn’t have the same appeal.  Many of our members have also found themselves single again after previous relationships have ended and their social life no longer provides them with as many opportunities to meet new people.”

Mr Battell also believes that FlirtFinder is great as it is quick and easy, as well as being technologically advanced. He says “FlirtFinder is increasingly popular with older demographics as it provides them with a quick and easy way to meet people on the move.  Your mobile is always close at hand, so our members log on more often and get back to people much faster than on internet dating sites.”

So if you thought your sell by date was up at 29, think again because 30 is most definitely the new 20 when it comes to dating.

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