Signs That He’s Cheating

Signs That He’s Cheating

It’s our worst nightmare, to find out that our partner is cheating on us but wouldn’t you rather know than not?

If he behaviour has changed, he’s staying late at work, starting to work out and not answering his phone then your mind will be running wild with cheating theories.

Carl Staniscia-Mason, operations manager at, says, “When your partner is cheating on you, it’s hard to understand why they do it. What’s even harder is confirming your suspicions that they are playing away from home.”

Carl has given us some tips on signs to look out for when you think your man might be cheating.

Is He Cheating?

1. Suddenly discovers a new lease of life and has self-importance, maybe enrolling with a new interest in exercising or weight loss. 

2. Become controlling and guarded over the mobile phone, adding security or a pin lock, maybe deleting all the text messages conversations and call logs.

3.  May have inherited a new circle of friends.

4. Can be liable to making several bank card purchases which are abnormal or inexplicable.  

5.  Buys gifts with little or no reason.

6.  Finds reasons to stay at work later, emphasising the importance of it.

7.  Actively shows a change in affection towards you.

8. The sexual behaviour of the cheater will change, if your sex life was infrequent and dull it could now become more experimental and adventurous, conversely, the opposite could occur dependent upon the sexual behaviour prior to infidelity occurring.

9. Shows less interest and empathy in family matters or concerns.

10. Routine can show inexplicable differences, arriving home consistently later.

Carl says, “My advice to anyone who thinks their partner is playing away from home, is simple, keep a log of all their behaviour and be 100% sure before confronting them.”

Do you think your partner might be cheating? Get some advice from Yin and Yang.