New Year onwards is the time where single people go on the hunt for a partner for next Christmas so they can spend it in love. So what does it take to bag a good man? Magnetism!  Julie-Ann Shapiro tells you how to be magnetic if you are looking for love this January and the rest for the year!  

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Why is being magnetic something that is attractive to potential partners?

When a woman is confident in who she is and her own worth, she becomes radiant and gives out an energy that is extremely attractive or magnetic to a man.  This draws him to her – like a magnet.

What sort of attributes make you magnetic to someone?

Knowing your own worth, being radiant, being confident in who you are and free from any negative beliefs about yourself such as “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not loveable” or “I don’t deserve love.”  When you’re living your passions, doing things you love and enjoy rather waiting for a man to come along before you really start living.  When you know what you want and need and are not afraid to ask for it and can also gracefully receive. All of these things make you magnetic to people all around you, including the love of your life.

How if you don’t have these qualities already can you get them or make yourself more appealing to the opposite sex?

It starts with recognizing where you don’t have these qualities. Our society teaches us to focus on the external obstacles to love – in other words if you were slimmer, fitter, younger, had better hair and teeth, had more money or joined another dating site then maybe you would get love!

But what really works is looking at the inner you and doing the inner work necessary to attract love.  This means changing any negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself and really knowing your own worth.  It means getting in touch with what you want and need in a relationship and learning to ask for it.  It means stopping waiting for a man to come along before you really start living, but rather doing things you love and enjoy right now.  It really means instead of focusing on finding the right person, you focus on being the right person and generally the most delicious version of yourself – then magically the right person comes along.

One thing you can do right now is to start telling yourself what you would love a man to tell you; that you’re beautiful, loveable and so worthy of love.

I teach women how to do all of the above and more through my private coaching programs, my live events and my home study programs.

What are the top five things that a man is looking for in a woman?

- A confident woman who knows her worth and doesn’t put herself down.

- A woman who ALLOWS him to give to her and gracefully receives what he gives her.

- A woman who appreciates, appreciates and appreciates him some more!

- A woman who makes him/the relationship a priority but not the ONLY thing in her life.

- A woman who doesn’t complain about the things he can’t change


Julie-Anne Shapiro is an International Love & Relationship Expert, Speaker and Founder of Magnetizing Love. She has helped thousands of women around the world to find and keep the love of their life through private coaching (can be taken via Skype from anywhere in the world), dynamic live events and homestudy programs. 

email: [email protected]

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