Eating out- When you eat out on date night you order modestly- to protect your joint account but also so people don't know your dirty little secret. That when you are at home you order for a party of people and don't even use cutlery or crockery.

You're messy eaters

You're messy eaters

Socialising- You ask people at work normal questions about their lives like what they are getting up to on the weekend. While at home you both sit poring over their Facebook and judging them for their life choices as you both sit in your pjs at 1 in the afternoon.

Couple selfies- In public you do it quickly so people don't get the chance to see what you're doing for fear of being vain. At home- it's a different story- you take pictures of everything you do together in selfie form to build up your portfolio of your relationship. Chips for dinner-selfie!

Dancing- When you're out with your friends your moves are more controlled and you mock people that lose their s**t on the dance floor. Behind closed doors you bring out all the moves- because dry humping is frowned upon.

Snacks- When other people can see you, you are careful to eat your snacks quietly with minimal mess. On your couch you're lucky anything gets in your moth because you just throw it in the general direction of your pie hole and hope it sticks.

Bellies- You both hold them in in public and would not dream of sticking it out, rubbing it or pulling at it at the table bragging about your food baby. At home you like to pretend you walk around like pregnant women caressing your stomachs like they hold something far more precious than just food.

Exercising- When you go to the gym together, you put in all the effort you can muster- at home, you can barely do a few sit ups before you give up and eat something. And neither of you puts up a fight.

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