Thomas Edwards Jr. is the founder of The Professional Wingman. Deemed the real-life "Hitch,” Thomas helps singles find relationships and lead fulfilling lives through social skills development. His unique approach focuses on dating and lifestyle strategy.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Thomas has given us a helping hand and put together this great guide on why you need a wingman when looking for romance, enjoy!

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in Hot Fuzz. Hugh Grant and Rhys Ifans in Notting Hill. Even Batman and Robin! These dynamic movie duos have shown us that success sometimes takes a wingman. There wasn’t one without the other.

When it comes to dating – especially at the beginning stages, which are notoriously the most challenging -- your wingman is there to pick you up when you fall at the hands of rejection and help you navigate potential dating disasters so you can flirt your way to the finish.

The one thing all wingmen have in common is confidence. They’ll fearlessly jump in the fire so you won’t feel the burn of rejection -- at least not alone. But more times than not, their successes soon become yours, as wingmen are selfless and will share the wealth of their endeavours.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t be this confident, too. Here are a few tips that will give you and your wingman the boost needed to control your dating fates, whether you’re looking for a seasonal fling or long-term love.

•             Always look for context. The best conversations are the ones that feel natural, as if they were meant to be. Context is the key to making that happen. Before initiating conversation with your potential beau, observe the environment and see if you can pick up on anything allows you to connect and relate to one another right from the start.

•             Show confidence through your body. It’s important to remember that confidence is an emotion -- and emotion directly comes from physical action. To spark a quick boost, adjust your body language: stand upright, make eye contact and smile, and wear appealing clothing. This will reinforce your self-assurance and appear more attractive.

•             Embrace vulnerability. But self-reliance is at the core of vulnerability. In order to be successful, you have to take risks – which come with either a reward or rejection. It takes courage to put yourself out there and when you’re willing to take those risks, you naturally become more appealing.

For those of you who are “wingless,” realise that there are potential wingmen all around you. The simple way to know a quality wing is to look at how they behave. Are they constantly surrounded by women (or men)? Are they always comfortable in group environments? Are they the social butterfly in the room?

Although it may seem strange at first, openly approaching and becoming buddies with a wingman will be the best way to have success rub off on you. Remember the old saying, “success breeds success.”

Whether you’re making your first approach or getting deep into a relationship, having a wingman by your side will always give you the best chance of being successful. No matter what happens, your wingman will never leave your side and will always do their best to ensure you come out on top. is the romantic social network that helps members create and share their romantic journeys. Features include Couple Profiles – a dedicated place for couples to create, store and share relationship milestones and memories on a joint profile with their friends. Universal Pictures (UK) has a range of romantic titles available now on DVD and Blu-ray including One Day, Notting Hill and Bridesmaids.