We’ve all been there, when a date is going so badly that you wish the ground would swallow you whole. Fortunately we’ve been able to enlist our friends to help should a date be going badly and now men are doing the same.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The majority of men have admitted taking a secret mate along to a date so that they can interject if things begin to go downhill.

Dating site datewithamate.com, conducted the research and found that 53 per cent of men have taken a mate along to a date and told them to stay undercover until they are beckoned to interject.

A massive 82 per cent of those who had taken their mate along to a date with them had used them when the date began to go south.

This isn’t the only trick men are using to escape a date though. Over three quarters of those surveyed said they had set up a fake emergency call before their date in which their friend would ring them and say there had been an emergency after being given the signal that the date is going well.

Luke Pomaro founder of datewithamate.com, said, “Dates, particularly blind dates, can be a nerve-wracking experience, so it’s no surprise to see that so many single blokes admit to taking a ‘secret mate’ along with them.

“Whilst it’s never nice to assume that you may have to end a date that’s not going to plan early, it’s clear from our results that this is quite a common phenomenon; with a whopping three quarters of blokes even having made up fake emergencies to duck out of a bad date early!”

From those surveyed, 41 per cent had been on a blind date but out of those who hadn’t, 89 per cent said they would be much more inclined to do so if they could take along a ‘secret mate’.

It seems that taking a mate along is a much more popular way of dating, as the double date was seen to be popular for 49 per cent of men. They claimed it made them much more comfortable to have another couple on the date with them.

Luke said, “Taking along a secret mate may make you feel more comfortable, but probably won’t put you in good favour with your date should she ever find out. We’re all about double dating here; our results show that men clearly feel more at ease with their friends nearby, so why not take them with you and find a date for them too!”