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29 June 2015

My boyfriend doesn't want children- should I stay or should I go?

This is a huge thing to negotiate over- especially if you are the one who is denying yourself of what you really want. It sounds like the relationship has given ...
29 June 2015

Why does my partner rush through foreplay?

You are not alone- many women find that they can't orgasm during sex and foreplay is their time to feel satisfied. The first thing I would suggest is trying a ...
26 June 2015

Did I lose my virginity?

A virgin is defined as 'someone who has never engaged in sexual intercourse', which is traditionally characterised by the penis entering the vagina- or 'vaginal intercourse' or 'vaginal sex'. The ...
24 June 2015

My boyfriend is leaving to go travelling for a year- what should I do?

This sounds like the first big test in your relationship. If you are able to get through the next year it will likely determine the rest of your time together. ...
24 June 2015

Why does my partner want to move back in with his friends?

I would first ask why he is doing this? If he is moving in with other people to save the money up for a deposit for a mortgage then maybe ...
23 June 2015

Why am I not interested in sex anymore?

This could be due to many things. Does your partner satisfy you in bed? Perhaps your old partner did and your new lover doesn't and you are comparing the two. ...

22 June 2015

Why did my friends betray me?

People take different amounts of time to get over things- there is no set limit on how long it should take to get over bad news, however it can be ...
21 June 2015

How can I get my ex to give me a second chance?

It sounds like you need to look after your own needs before entering into another relationship with this woman or anyone else. Being with someone doesn't solve any issues you ...
19 June 2015

Should I leave a job that is full of opportunity?

It sounds like you have a lot to be proud of- having worked in one of the best hospitals in the country for nearly two years- and at the beginning ...
18 June 2015

Why do I dislike my partner's new appearance so much?

It can be challenging to get used to a partner's new look, especially if it is vastly different from his previous image and you are not fond of it. That ...
18 June 2015

Why am I having toilet trouble?

It sounds like you have constipation, however it all depends on how long you have had it for and how severe your symptoms are- it can often be rectified ...
17 June 2015

Why won't my baby eat when I try to feed her?

Establishing a routine and a successful feed with a baby is a challenging thing for any new mum, so try not to be so hard on yourself. You are both ...
16 June 2015

Am I overweight for my height?

If you have any concerns over your weight vs your height, there are many online tools to help you find this out. According to Lloyds Pharmacy; To calculate your BMI, ...
10 June 2015

How can I boost my son's confidence after his conversation with his father?

I would begin by talking to him about it and how he feels about what his father said. It's not playing for favourites, but he needs to know that he ...
10 June 2015

Should I warn her about my ex?

Perhaps one option is not to get involved- like your friends are doing- if he really is as bad as you say, then she might realise and end the relationship ...
9 June 2015

Did I do the right thing cutting her off?

It sounds like you have given this woman a lot of chances in the past that have not resulted in the way you wanted them to. It seems that she ...
9 June 2015

Why won't my mum have the operation?

It is ultimately your mother's decision to have the operation or not- not yours or your sisters. She does need to be well informed of the consequences of both options. ...
9 June 2015

Why does he not reply to my text messages right away?

Text message frequency is an unreliable way of analysing your friendship with someone. He may have been busy before and after his match to reply to your message and was ...
8 June 2015

Does he want to be my friend or not?

It sounds like he might just be shy. If your families are friends, then could you arrange a family get together so you are all in the company of people ...
8 June 2015

How can I live rather than just exist?

Perhaps the issue is that you lack confidence in yourself and it makes you think that you are no good at anything when you are. If you believe that you ...
8 June 2015

Why is my implant itchy and painful?

It sounds like it might not be suited to your body anymore and you need to decide on some changes with a professional to find a better match for you. ...
5 June 2015

How can I get my partner to be more passionate?

You are never too old to want or have passion in your love life- it's what keeps your desire for sex going and makes your sex life satisfying. If you ...
4 June 2015

Why do me and my boyfriend argue all the time?

The first question I would ask is what you argue about- is it bigger issues regarding you future together or everyday niggles? If you argue over larger matters, then this ...
4 June 2015

Why do I have a gut feeling something's wrong in my marriage?

I would first ask yourself if you are a person who always thinks the worst- you may be looking for something that's not there and worrying unnecessarily. I would suggest ...