Karina asks :

Hi Lucy,


My boyfriend has just shaved almost all his hair off, he used to have long dark hair and now he has a Mohawk type thing. I hate it! I don't find him attractive anymore and I struggle to bring myself to look at him. I sometimes find myself lost for words now as well when I am talking to him. I don't know if I’m over reacting or if the relationship's come to an end. Please help, Karina

Hi Karina,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

It can be challenging to get used to a partner's new look, especially if it is vastly different from his previous image and you are not fond of it. That said, a haircut is not forever and it will grow back if he regrets it- so this might be down to more than just aesthetics for you.

Perhaps you have been feeling like this for a while and the new hair has confirmed that you're not attracted to his looks or his personality anymore. Such an extreme make over could be a reflection of an extreme character change since you started going out- one that you might not agree with or indeed find appealing.

If you take the hair out of the equation- how did you feel about the relationship prior to this? Are you lost for words talking to him because of the way he looks now or were you finding conversation hard before? Communication is the cornerstone of every good relationship so if this is constantly getting harder to do effectively, then it could mean it needs work.

Have you talked to your partner about how challenging you have found it to talk to him lately? Perhaps he is feeling the same? Are you both committed to trying to talk to each other more successfully in future? Perhaps you need to decide if you have the patience and the inclination to see this possible phase through or not.

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