It was reported earlier this week that Kelly Brook bought her own diamond before the proposal from her boyfriend David McIntosh. Is the British model part of a the new trend of women not scared to put their own money on the line to get the ring they want?

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

With the average wedding ring costing the equivalent of three weeks' salary at £1,529 modern bridge no longer see ring shopping as the sole responsibility of their husband-to-be.

Over half of the UK's single ladies say they would willing contribute to their own ring, joining the six million who admit to buying theirs.

Joanna Mansbridge, Head of Jewellery Buying at QVC who conducted the research, said: 'We live in a modern world where women today are making their own money. It's no longer a man's stressful responsibility to choose the perfect ring and pay for it alone.'

It seems to be a question of age and traditional values. 65% of women aged over 55 would be less happy about paying for a ring but a quarter of the younger generation of brides-to-be are open to the idea.

Most willing to open their own purse in their pursuit of happiness are women aged 35-44, with a third of them saying they would happily pay for their own rock- especially if they hadn't already ventured down the aisle.

But men shouldn't see this as a get-out-clause for popping the question with a sparkling surprise; tradition is still want some people want.

Joanna offers some advice: 'If a man still feels he wants a traditional proposal – down on one knee with a ring on offer – why not choose a replica version first that looks the real deal but won't break the bank and then have the fun of shopping together for the official one.'

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