We're all familiar with the 'Bridezilla'- the nightmare bride-to-be, but where do women stand when it comes to holding the purse strings.

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

According to a new study by Amigo Loans, the average amount spent directly on the bride is 50% more than on the groom. This equates to a whopping £6,000, compared to the £4,000 that goes towards things for the guy!

Supposedly, 57% of brides have full control over the spending, whereas only 23% of men have a hand in the monetary side of things. This might explain why more is spent on the bride than the groom.

With that said, the majority of grooms are happy for their wife-to-be handle the cash and women seem to like taking charge, with only 14% who would want their partner to look after the money.

When it comes to budgets however, women are less likely to stick to it than men.

Even though men have less involvement in the planning of their big day, more husbands are pleased with how it went than wives. Three quarters of brides would change things about the event if they could repeat the day. The main things women would change include; spending MORE money and increasing the size of their celebrations.

Kelly Davies, spokesperson for Amigo Loans, said: "Lots of couples come to us for help with their wedding plans and it's usually the women in the driving seat! However, it looks as if the men are happy to sit back and relax and let the females take control, so everyone is happy!"

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