Planning a wedding can cause enough stress for a lifetime. Venue disasters, complicated seating plans, spiralling budgets and interfering mother in laws can make you question whether it's all worth it!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

Of course it's worth the hassle in the end, but to keep anxiety levels low so you can focus on enjoying the day, Felicity, a Tasker at TaskRabbit, has provided some tips. Well versed in all 'wedmin' and event planning, here's her guide to wedding day bliss:

Spreadsheets are the future!

At the beginning of your planning, make a detailed spreadsheet. Use it to map out vital information from budgets and suppliers to schedules and running orders. It will tell you when you need to have everything done, and alert you to key things, which shouldn't be missed - from sending out invitations and booking transport, to last minute checks on the band and venue. You'd be surprised how having all your must-check information in one place can help you feel so much more in control.

Investigate no-go days

Know ahead of time if your wedding date falls on the same day as another important event like Wimbledon or Champions League final. If in the unlucky event you have a clash, make sure there are options available so people don't bail - a projector for instance to screen the game.

Bigger is better

…when it comes to certain things! It's wise to choose a slightly bigger venue than your guest list initially suggests as in my experience your first list always tends to expand. Expecting the unexpected is key, and people are bound to ask if they can invite partners' last minute - if you have a bit of manoeuvrability, the venue won't mind adding a few chairs to the seating plan.

One thing at a time

It's easy to be overwhelmed, but take it step by step. Once big-ticket items like the venue and date are sorted, everything will seem much clearer. Next, pick the top three things that are important to you, such as guest-list, dress and flowers, and then prioritise them. From there, choose one must-complete action each day or each week so you have one thing to focus on rather than a vast expansive list. And don't forget to delegate!


Despite the best intentions of remaining zen, weddings can be stressful, so it always helps to delegate tasks. Hire a qualified tasker from TaskRabbit, and they'll help find you a shortlist of photographers, drive to pick up your wedding dress, or collect flowers for you. They're your wedding fairy and no one will know you didn't do it all yourself!


Friends and family are the greatest gift when it comes to wedding planning - see how many aunties you can get to bake cakes, or perhaps your mother in law is amazing at flower arranging? Your nearest and dearest will enjoy being such a key part in contributing to your big day so don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand. Take advantage of family and friends talents - if you're planning to do a 'DIY wedding', rope people in to help you. It's amazing how fast bunting can be made with 5 pairs of hands!

Take advantage of credit

Although weddings are high cost, use this to your advantage. Look at websites like Experian who can provide tips on where is best to sign up for credit cards - many of these will have rewards programmes, which when accumulated with wedding related purchases, can be used for your honeymoon!

Ask (politely) for discounts

With the average wedding costing £20,500, you're perfectly entitled to ask for discounts, no matter how cheeky you may feel. By picking an unpopular day, such as Friday or Sunday, it can cut the cost of the reception venue by up to half, with discounts and flexibility often available for photographers, florists and ceremonies as well. Furthermore, quotes can vary wildly from place to place - remember to get at least three quotes for each aspect of your wedding to ensure you don't overpay and to get the best price. Ask the venue or supplier to throw something in on top - be it champagne, lighting or chair covers. If you need an ad-on, try not to pay extra for it.

Don't mention the 'w' word

If there's one thing guaranteed to increase the price, it's when suppliers know you need their services for a wedding. So when negotiating flowers, wine etc., try to avoid the word 'wedding'. Call it a party or celebration, and only once the price is agreed should you mention it is for a wedding. Having said that, for smaller bits and pieces such as makeup, mentioning you're getting married can sometimes mean freebies galore!

Take your time and enjoy it!

Don't plan in a rush. The most comfortable couples take over a year to plan their wedding, and this relieves a lot of stress. You're going to be spending the rest of your lives together, there's no need to hurry. Plus, you only get to plan your wedding once, so make sure you have fun on the journey as well as the day itself!

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