Ask yourself why you want to enter into a marriage

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with the person you're with or do you simply want to get hitched because everyone else around you is or because you are getting pressure from people in your family?

Remember 'the one' doesn't exist.

It's a lovely sentiment to think that there is one perfect someone out there for each of us. The reality is there isn't and you need to work at your relationship to make it the best it can be.

Can be you around them?

Can you relax around your partner? You shouldn't feel like you have to be afraid to show parts of your personality when you're with them.

Do you have the same values?

Do you share the same outlook on the things that really matter- like your future aspirations? Forget music and films but the things that can drive you apart if you don't share the same goals.

Do they show you love and support?

When you are down or having a bad day- do they ease things for you by talking and doing things to ease the burden?

Understand that some doubts are normal.

It is natural to have a few doubts. If you have big doubts, it's important to talk about them with your partner or a relationship counsellor, as they may be a product of your childhood.

Listen to your partner.

Do they want to get married? Talk about this before popping the questions as they may want to do things a little differently and go against tradition.

How long have you have been together.

The honeymoon period can be deceptive, as your feeling is clouded by lust and excitement. It's better the propose once this has worn off so you can really get to know the person- warts and all.

You don't have to get married.

Marriage isn't for everyone. You can live together, live part, and enter into a civil partnership- whatever works for you both not what the wider world expects.

Video from Relate and Marriage Care

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