Taking a chance and agreeing to go on a blind date can be nerve-wrecking but it can also turn out to be a lot of fun!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

If you’re about to embark on a blind date then we’ve got some tips for you to take a look at so that you can have a stress-free, amazing, time.

Have Realistic Expectations

The chances of your mate setting you up with a George Clooney or Ryan Gosling look-a-like are pretty slim so you’ve got to keep it real.

Have faith that your friend has set you up with someone she thinks you’ll like, but don’t be under the illusion that you’ll be getting Tom Hardy sat opposite you.

Nag Your Friend for Info

If your friend has set you up with a guy then try and get as much information about him out of her as possible.

Not only will this give you an indication of what to expect on your date but it will also allow you to have some idea of what he likes and what the both of you might have in common.

Never Stand Up a Date

If you get there and your date isn’t quite what you were expecting, do not walk away and stand him up.

Think of how you would feel if he would have done the same? Just because he might not be your type doesn’t mean that you can’t have a good time.

Have Fun

Remember that essentially you’re there to have some good fun and enjoy each other’s company so even if you don’t see it going anywhere romantically you can still have a good time.

If the date is going badly, don’t be rude, simply try and end the date as soon as possible and leave it amicably.

Be Cautious

Even if your good friend has set you up, be cautious with what kind of information you give away. Remember, you don’t actually know this man so don’t be giving away your address or details of your workplace.

No matter how well the date is going, don’t invite him back to yours (or vice versa) until you’ve gotten to know each other over the course of a few dates. Your safety should always be paramount!