Bust Trust Issues In Your Relationship

Bust Trust Issues In Your Relationship

At the foundation of every relationship there is trust. Just like a house, if the foundations begin to crack, everything above them will begin to go badly wrong.

Trust is something that all couples need to have for a relationship to be successful and the sad truth is that if you don't trust your partner then it isn't a relationship worth having.

If the trust between you and your man has begun to dwindle then here are a few tips on how to get it back and rebuild your relationship.

Start a Fresh

As hard as it may seem to believe, all men are not the same so don't tarnish them with the same brush.

If you've been given a reason not to trust past boyfriends then that's unfortunate but don't carry it over to your next relationship.

The problem lies with you, not your new man so don't punish him for some other guy's mistake. Start with a clean slate and allow yourself to let your new man in.

Get Out of That Rut

If you've slowly been sinking into a pit of distrust then don't sit there and wait for it to get worse, pull yourself up and talk to your partner about it.

If you feel like the trust is straying from your relationship then the best thing you can do is to be honest about how you feel.

If there is a problem, then fix it, don't just sit and let it get to the point where it is beyond repair.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Encourage honesty and be honest with your partner. If you've done something you think they may not approve of them simply tell them about it.

Don't hide anything that may cause alarm bells to ring should your other half find out about it, no matter how innocent it actually was.

If you ran into your ex and had a coffee with him, tell your man so that it doesn't seem like you have anything to hide.

And if it isn't Working Out?

There are going to be times when the lack of trust is too far gone to fix, if this is the case then you're fighting a losing battle.

The best thing you can do when it gets to that stage is to call it quits before anyone gets hurt even more so than they already are.

Ideally, you should address the situation before it gets to this but if it was something that couldn't be helped then cut your losses and have a fresh start!