The Facebook status change, the Valentine's Day pictures, the declarations of love, the inappropriate picture comments - there have never been more ways to revel in the affection of your loved one and prove to the world that you're knee-slappingly happy. But some things are better kept between the two of you, and here are five things to think about before you spread the love online:

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

1. Your mum/daughter/sister/brother will see it

Once something has been read, it cannot be unread. Sharing too much of your relationship online can cause some awkward moments around the family dinner table. You wouldn't dream of sharing intimate details of your relationships in person, so why let them read about them?

2. Inviting your boss into bed with you

It's no secret that social networks are often a potential employer's first stop in finding out more about you. Unless you want to be known as Snuckums in your next job, keep it offline.

3. Consider the future

Not all relationships last forever, and is there anything more awkward than having to trawl through album after album of photos of an ex-couple? It might not be very romantic, but think of how much work it will be to delete everything if things go wrong.

4. Not everyone will share the love

Sadly, not everyone will appreciate your rose-tinted view on things while you're loved up. By rubbing it in people's faces you risk generating attitudes towards you that are less than charitable.

5. A library of lost loves

During a bad break up, a lonely night in or an argument, the online archive of your current and past relationships is a goldmine of material to obsess over. Who friended who? Who tweeted what? Who was tagged where, and when? By minimising what you put online you're removing the temptation to over-analyse.

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