How To: Survive Cheating Rumours

How To: Survive Cheating Rumours

It can often be difficult to whether the storm when cheating rumours emerge during your relationship.

Questions such as ‘who do I believe?’ and ‘what do I do now?’ fly around in your head driving you crazy.

Ultimately, you have to address the situation and here are some tips on how to get to the bottom of it.

Assess the Situation

Take a look at all angles of the story. Firstly, who have you heard the rumours from? Is it from a close friend, or in Perrie Edwards’ case, is it the person who your partner has supposedly cheated with?

If it’s from a close friend then chances are they wouldn’t lie to you about something so obviously important.

If it’s from anyone else, you need to factor in that it may be jealousy or just plain bitterness and dislike.

Find the Facts

Whoever has told you, you need to address the situation and find out the facts.

Sit down with the person and ask them exactly what has happened, or what they heard happened and who they heard the rumours from.

You need to get to the bottom of it before you confront your partner with the claims.

It may turn out that the night of the rumoured cheating your partner was with you the entire time so don’t fly off the handle and throw accusations before knowing the full story.

Talk to your Partner

It’s only fair to keep your partner in the loop, once you’ve gathered your facts, go to your partner and simply talk about it to them.

Don’t shout or get angry, that will only make matters worse. Just tell them what you’ve heard and what you know and ask them for their side of the story.

You may find that your willingness to listen and your honesty will have them being completely honest with you.

The Verdict

Going with your gut feeling always proves to be best in relationships. If you’ve spoken to your partner and you believe that they are completely innocent then let them know your decision.

If the facts just don’t add up or you can tell there is something off with your partner, then let them know about it – this gives them a last chance to be honest with you.


It’s important to remember that, whatever the outcome, trust is one of the key parts of a relationships.

If they did cheat on you but you feel you can trust them not to do it again then lay down some rules and explain that it’s not acceptable behaviour. Start a fresh and work through your problems together.

If they didn’t cheat on you, then explain as to why you investigated it. Reassure them that it hasn’t damaged your relationship, but that it could have if the rumours had been left untouched.

Have you experienced cheating rumours in your relationship? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK