Despite dating seeming fun in reality it can often be pretty stressful and when we stress too much there are usually a few disasters that follow.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Dating disasters can be easily avoided and we have some great tips to help you avoid those dating disasters and help all go smoothly!

Time and Place

Possibly on of the biggest disasters is your date not showing and often it is because they couldn’t find the place or had the wrong time.

To avoid this, make sure you pick a place that you both know well so that neither of you will have any trouble finding it.

Make sure that the time suits both of you and that you confirm it the morning of your date so that you both know exactly when you’re meeting.


There’s nothing worse than an awkward silence on a date so make sure you’re going to have lots to talk about to keep the conversation flowing.

If you’ve met via online dating then browse his profile and take in his interests. We’re not saying become a rugby pro overnight but be prepared to ask him questions surrounding his interests.

Don’t talk about ex-partners or the weather, both of these topics are strictly off-limits on any first date!

Dress Sexy but Comfortably

Dress in something that will make you feel amazingly hot but don’t wear something that could provide a wardrobe malfunction moment.

If that dress has given you a few nip-slips in its time then it’s probably a good idea to avoid it for this date.

If those shoes are incredibly pretty but leave you walking like a baby giraffe then it’s safe to say, leave them at home.

Alcohol Intake

If you’re going to be drinking on this date then give yourself a limit before you leave the house.

A two glass limit always works well, but if you’re prone to getting a little light-headed after one, then stick with the single glass.

There’s nothing more unattractive than a woman slurring her words and crying about how her ex too the cat when they broke-up.

No Sex!

It’s one of the most important rules on a first date and if you ever want to see him again then it’s better to hold off.

If you put out on the first date then he’s going to get the impression that you’re easy – not the type of name you want for yourself is it?

If the date went well then let him know with a kiss at the end of the night, but leave it at that and he’s guaranteed to call you to arrange a second date.