Finding love can be pretty tricky, especially in this tough economy when every minute is spent working, leaving no time for socialising.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

That’s why it’s important to make a good impression instantly. Unfortunately, we can have some pretty animalistic traits that can hold us back., founded by Sarah Beeny, has found that many of us have some unattractive qualities that need to be fixed and have devised the ‘Unusual Suspects’ list to help you discover and overcome your animalistic traits.

They found that there are five categories of singletons in the UK and Psychologist David Holmes has given us some in depth explanations.

He said, “Although most people have a complex collection of personality traits, there are often strong features that could provide signposts as to the direction their dating personalities are taking. Everyone will have a friend or someone they know – maybe even themselves – that they feel fits one of the profiles.”

Which one do you fit into? Let us know!

‘The Worker Bee’

Most commonly found buzzing around big cities, MySingleFriend found many profiles noted that a busy working life is often found to be a drawback in dating.  They’re addicted to their Blackberries and attracted to one another, as they can share understanding of work pressures and programme their dating through MySingleFriend with precision, just as they do their work diary.

‘The Picky Panda’

The perfectionists.  With a little more commitment, help from friends and willingness to step out of their comfort zone, they might realise Mr or Mrs Perfect is out there after all.

‘Man’s Best Friend’

It’s the adorable, excitable puppy that loves attention. These singletons have lots of friends, are very loyal to their group, but often struggle to leave the pack and make time for that one special person. 

‘The Night Owl’

Common amongst students and twenty-somethings.  It’s great to party, but burning the candle at both ends leaves them with no time for dating. Looking for other singletons that come to life in the evenings is recommended here, but also dating at lunchtimes or grabbing a pre-party drink in the afternoon.

‘The Shark’

More common amongst male members on the site, some singles are judged to be a bit too ‘cool’ to settle down by their friends and often struggle to find someone they are happy with. Rather than give up on dating, it is important these people use online dating to flirt and play the numbers game online, so that when the dates happen, they matter.

Sarah Beeny, founder of MySingleFriend, said, “MySingleFriend is all about having fun dating – so we wanted to take an alternative look at the trends between the profiles of singletons on the site, to help daters understand it’s not so much of a jungle out there.

“We found that we could easily pull out the common ‘usual suspects’ of the dating world through the behaviours described in profiles on our site.  Because friends write the singletons profile, there’s no holding back on good and bad traits. 

“The brilliant, honest and often hilarious profiles on MySingleFriend clearly show that there are behaviours common to all our single friends.”