Kelly Osbourne and Matthew Mosshart: Massive PDA

Kelly Osbourne and Matthew Mosshart: Massive PDA

Kelly Osbourne posted a picture of herself and her boyfriend Matthew Mosshart on Twitter, kissing away for the entire world to see. She’s clearly a fan of PDAs (Public Display/s of Affection), but would she see it the same way if the situation was reversed?

I’m not saying that, when in public, the only way a couple should act is to stand side by side, not touching, or looking at each other, I don’t mind hand holding and the odd kiss, but am I just being a prude?

The last thing I want to see when doing my shopping in Tesco is two people eating each other’s faces and grabbing at each other whilst I’m putting my shopping on the conveyer belt, and I’m pretty sure that if I was to grab one of the cashiers and do the same they wouldn’t appreciate it being in their faces.

I would say that posting a picture of yourself kissing your partner on Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else is a step to far.

Kelly said that she was in love and ‘didn’t care’ who knew it. How about, no one wants to see you and your boyfriend all over each other, you could even see tongues!

I don’t get this fad with having to show everyone exactly how much you love each other. Of course, take picture of yourself with your partner, to keep as memories and such, but is there really any need to spill them all over the internet?

In an age where no one seems to have any privacy you would assume that people would choose to hang on to the little bits of their lives that they can keep private, but apparently not.

Don’t get me wrong, if I was dating Tom Hardy, Johnny Depp, Ian Somerhalder or any other beautiful man, I would also be posting pictures of us together everywhere, but that would simply be to brag, and because they’re famous. Nobody cares about us normal folk.

Of course, you do have to let your partner know that you care about them, and actually want to be seen in public with them but there are tactical and demure ways of doing this.

So it comes down to this, when is the right time and right place? I’m going to say that there is nothing wrong with a kiss on the lips when going about your daily life together, be it inside or outside the house.

Posting pictures of PDAs all over the internet, just a no. Throwing yourself all over each other at every available moment and making people squirm, not a good look.

So how much would you say is too much and is there such a thing as too little?  


Cara Mason

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