Researchers have proven that how you dress can certainly affect your dating chances as women are more likely to accept a date from a man wearing purple.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The washing detergent giants Ariel ran the survey which asked its respondents what the deal breakers would be when it came to dating someone.

Fashion choices seemed to be the main make or break when it came to going on a date, especially when it came to men’s fashion.

Women were picky when it came to their dates choice in clothing with 28 per cent of them saying they have declined a date due to their clothing choices, with only 14 per cent of men admitting the same.

A massive 60 per cent of women said that clothing was the top dating deal breaker with 17 per cent saying it was a man’s haircut and 9 per cent saying it would be their shoes.

Shockingly more than a third of women said they would be more likely to accept a date from a man who was wearing purple.

The most desirable colour was the ‘milk tray’ colour with 32 per cent of the vote, followed closely by the crisp white shirt.

If you’re a man who favours a blue or pink shirt than you’ll most definitely be going home alone as they only garnered 11 and 6 per cent of the votes.

Over a third of women said they have no issue with changing their man’s wardrobe and 25 per cent said that they think there is room for improvement in their partner’s wardrobe.

Worryingly, 20 per cent of women admit to dictating their partner’s style, but 25 per cent of men said that they won’t let anyone but themselves dictate their wardrobe choices.

It’s not just women who like to dictate their partner’s wardrobe, 5 per cent of men have admitted to doing the same.

One in ten men and women have also admitted to hating an item of their partner’s clothing so much that they have burnt it.

Ania Bielecka, public relations manager for Ariel, said, “This survey demonstrates just how important clothes are for all of us, women and men.”