You could look like a cross between Aphrodite, Megan Fox and Mila Kunis but even with that deadly combination, you would still wonder if he is into you. Most women will agree that they have repeated the line “I just don’t understand men”. Well there is no guarantee of complete understand of this species but here are a few things to look out for, if you are wondering if he is into you.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Acting like a baboon: Men may become loud and boisterous to get noticed. If a man suddenly starts cracking jokes, speaking loudly or starts to display sudden and over the top movement, it can be a sure sign that he is trying to get your attention.

Dilated pupils: The phrase bedroom eyes had to come from somewhere. When someone’s pupils dilate it could because the room just got darker but if you haven’t just walked into a dungeon type room and you are in the company of a rather beautiful man, look into his eyes. If his pupils have dilated (got bigger) then it is a sign that he finds you attractive.

Puffing his chest out: Changing his posture and standing tall.. If he starts pulling his shoulders back, pulling his stomach in and puffing his chest out, this is a giveaway to if you are putting a man under your spell. It is a mans way of ‘peacocking‘.

Dropping hint: Men also have a fear of rejection and so instead of getting straight to the point and asking you out on a date, they may fish around first. Questions that refer to if you have a partner or what your plans are this weekend, may be a sign he is working out his chances of a yes.

Becoming helpful: If a man suddenly starts being helpful, I.e. carrying your shopping, books or helping you with your computer problem. Men being helpful is a way of them showing they want to be close to you.

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