App: Bad Date Rescue

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Available On: iOS Devices

Price: Free

What Is It?

The Bad Date Rescue app was created by eHarmony as a way to get you out of a date that has gone wrong or an awkward situation. It involves setting up a fake phone call which is designed to get you out of your date due to an ‘emergency’ happening at work, home or with a family member. It’s an incredibly clever and handy app in which you set up your fake calls beforehand so you can either set them to ring during your date or hit the quick rescue options for an immediate rescue.

You can edit your rescues to include the names of people you actually know, with their picture coming up on your screen when they ‘call’ you. There are also a number of scripts to choose from, including your mum, a neighbour and your boss. If you’re not 100 per cent confident in yourself to get it right and make it convincing then there is also a ‘repeat after me’ option which tells you exactly what to say. You can also download extra scripts if you happen to run out! You can buy an extra five for $0.99.

We Love:

It’s a really handy app, and the fact that it looks so convincing when your rescue calls you is just incredible. It’s also really fun to play around with before your date, seeing which scripts say what and perfecting how you can respond. The fact that you can select a time for your rescue to ring is brilliant, as you can always just ignore the call if the date is going better than you thought it would!

The quick rescue options really are a life saver. You can choose to be saved in 5 minutes, 1 minute or 5 seconds, which is great if the date is going terribly. You can even choose who your quick rescue call is from in the options menu. You can choose different ring tones for different callers so it looks and sounds convincing.

We especially love the ‘repeat after me’ script. It is quite funny so we recommend giving it a listen before the date so you don’t make a fool of yourself. It’s good for those who simply cannot think under pressure as it tells you exactly what to say and do, even gives you facial expression instructions!


We need a British version! If your phone is quite loud, your date is quite close to you, or you’re in a quiet place then there’s a chance your date will be able to hear the American accent on the other end of the phone. This could make you look a fool, especially if your mother who is originally from Liverpool is supposedly calling.

The only thing to pick at is the fact that you have to have the app open for it to work, if you set your date rescue time and close the app then it won’t go off so you’ll be sat waiting for the call to come in and it won’t! A little warning – when you start your rescue calls, the screen will go black, don’t exit the app or lock your phone as the screen going black is all part of the process.


Definitely worth the free download as it’s a great bit of fun and will save you having to text a friend mid date asking her to ring you with an ‘emergency’. It’s also great for awkward situations such as bumping into an old ‘friend’ in the street and them wanting to go for coffee. Whatever you use it for, it’ll certainly get you out of some sticky situations!