My name is Sidra Jafri, KEY Awakening Facilitator. I specialise in timeline readings which assist people from all walks of life to uncover the blocks in their relationships. In this article I share insights into the energy world in relation to love. We all want to be in a loving relationship but something somewhere keeps us in short term relationships, or in long term relationships with short term bliss.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The good news is that EVERY RELATIONSHIP goes through multiple stages and has many different emotions involved. Beneath our conscious awareness there are Universal Laws constantly at play. You can sense them by becoming aware of the energetics of these laws that may currently be dominating the ways in which you interact with your partner.

Whilst there are many Universal Laws, here we look at the main 7 laws that govern all relationships.

Law of Trust:

The founding premise of every relationship is trust. We deepen connections and strengthen bonds based on trust. This energy infuses any relationship with a sense of security and unspoken understanding. If trust is not there, we immediately feel a sense of insecurity and perhaps withdraw from the relationship.

If you are in a romantic relationships where trust is an issue, consider if the level of trust you have with your partner is a direct reflection of the trust you have for yourself. Go down memory lane and explore what you observed whilst growing up; did you find your parents to be trusting of others? Your relationship imprint comes from your primary caregiver who you will then mirror, consciously or unconsciously.

Law of Relatability:

All relationships are based on your ability to relate to your partner. The more relatable you are, the more you can understand each other’s actions and behaviours. If you’ve found yourself in a relationship where you can’t relate to your partner, then it’s time to look at your values. These are formed in the primary years of life, often mimicking the values of your caregiver. When you become aware of your values you can make a conscious decision to upgrade them.

Law of Evolution:

Every butterfly was once a caterpillar. Nature is always growing and evolving but, unlike nature, human beings can at times become stagnated in relationships. We want our partners to reflect who they were when we first entered the relationship. However, wanting things to remain the same defies the Law of Evolution!

Setting yourself personal goals can awaken a new sense of self to help you activate this law. You never know, you might also start accepting your partner; after all he too is evolving!

Law of Connection:

The Law of Connection generates expansion in a relationship and can explain why we are always looking for connection; we are given life through connection. For those who have experienced heartbreak, it can be difficult to disconnect from past experiences, making us reluctant to connect again.

You may want to test whether you’re aligned to this law by observing if you feel connected or isolated from your partner, colleagues or friends.

Law of Acceptance:

If you want to be in a relationship, but still find yourself single, my advice is to accept who you are. Being unnecessarily critical of aspects of yourself leads to a sense of insecurity, making it hard to be open to a relationship.

A great way to activate this law is to chant this affirmation on a daily basis:

I am who I am, I am where I am

It will help you become more comfortable in accepting yourself for who you are and where you are on your journey.

Law of Oneness:

“When the bird is alive, the bird eats the worm. When the bird dies, the worm eats the worm.”

The Law of Oneness dictates that although we are all unique, with different qualities, we all come from the same source. So a successful relationship is one where we work as a single unit. When we argue with our partner we are going against this law. We’ve forgotten that we’re actually on the same team!

Law of Karma:

The Law of Karma states that there is a cause and effect in relationships, so what you experience with your partner, whether it be good or bad, is actually related to a previous action. The cause of karma may not even have occurred within that relationship!

As you can see, even though every relationship is unique in its own creation and has its own ways of being, it operates within the boundaries of these laws. Now that you are aware of them, you can recognise behaviours and work towards having a more conscious relationship with your partner.