Although the prospect of meeting some new can be exciting, it can also be really nerve-wrecking!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

First dates are all about making a good first impression and making your potential partner feel at ease in your company.

To help you get over the nerves, we’ve teamed up with Zoosk and dating coach Jo Barnett to bring you some tips on how to ease those first date nerves, enjoy!

1) Get Yourself into a Positive Place

Remind yourself of the great qualities you have and what you are personally bringing to the date.  Connect to a place where you feel most alive and energised and bring that energy into the room with you.  When you walk in, stand tall with your shoulders back and head up, looking confident.

2) Beat the Nerves

If you are still nervous imagine you are going to meet your best friend for a drink. Chat to your date as if he or she was just a friend.

3) Arrive Early

This way, when your date turns up you are looking cool and relaxed.  Break the ice with a little humour; throw in a compliment like, ‘you are even prettier than I remembered’ or ‘you have great eyes’.  Look at his or her eyes while you say it.

4) Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is really important as it breaks down barriers and encourages the other person to open up.   Don’t get distracted by the rest of the room and put away your phone.

5) Smile

Smiling is contagious and heart-warming.  There is nothing nicer than a sexy smile to get the flirting off to a fine start.

6) Build Rapport

Use mirroring to build connection.  This is where you subtly and occasionally copy the other person’s body language.  If she is leaning in then you lean in.  This works for both partners and will naturally get the two of you interested. However don’t mirror every movement it will be too obvious.

7) Talk and Listen Equally

Everyone loves to talk about him or herself especially when you have a willing listener. Make sure you are taking it in turns to talk and when it’s your turn to listen give your full attention. 

8) Stick to Light Topics

You want the date to be fun and enjoyable so keep to topics that light you up.  Safe things to talk about are hobbies, interests, travel, music, movies and where you live.  Avoid talking about exes, religion, politics and baggage.  Be bold and steer the conversation towards the fun topics.  There is plenty of time for the heavy stuff later.

And finally…

9) Tips for Ladies;

Wear something feminine and colourful, not all black.  Have your hair loose and nicely styled, soft make up and natural colours that bring out your best features.  Men are visual, show a bit of flesh but not too much.

10) Tips for Men;

Invest in a nice blazer with a good pair of jeans and a shirt or t- shirt.   When you want to make a first impression go for the smart trendy look, let her know you have made an effort.  A dab of aftershave will make you smell irresistible.