A asks :

Hey Lucy

I have a doubt. Why can’t people shave their legs instead of waxing?

Our Reply

Hi A,

The answer is they can! Waxing and shaving is a matter of preference, some women are able to wait the length of time it takes to hold off for a wax whereas others are impatient and shave more often. They both have their advantages and disadvantages- shaving can cause ingrown hairs as they grow back in different directions and thicker - whereas with waxing they tend to grow back finer and straighter as the hair follicle becomes weakened. Both waxing and shaving take the top layer of skin cells off when you do it so moisturising is an absolute necessity after either.

It all depends what you are happier with. Waxing can be a little bit uncomfortable and puts some women off going for the option; however the hair growth slows right down as the hair is being taken from the root. With shaving you are only taking the top of the hair off so it will grow back almost right away. The more you get it done too the less it hurts as your skin and hair gets used to the sensation.

I would suggest giving both a go, if you have not already to see which one suits you best. 

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