sam asks :

me and my wife are in a civil partnership, earlier this year I found out she cheated on me twice both girls I know but only 1 of the girls I was close to, me and my wife are still together and neither of us have any contact with the girls she cheated on me with. my problem is that even though we are still together I have difficulty forgetting what she has done and would like some advice on how I can deal with what has happened. thanks

Yin replies

If she has cheated on your once, how can you be confident that she won’t do it again? You have not been together tat long in the scheme of things and it does not bode well for the rest of your marriage. The trust has been compromised which is why you are finding it hard to move on. I would advise that perhaps you go and see a counsellor who can give you some options on how to build the trust back up again. Relate offer relationship advice for couples to talk through their problems together and work on some common ground. 

Yang replies

If you have not talked about how this is affecting you, it would be a good idea to express these feelings. How would she feel if it had been you that had done what she did? Often seeing it from the other side can out things into perspective a bit more. 

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