laa asks :

My ex broke up with me in Februrary and I'm still lliving with him until the mortgage is sorted. He left me for another woman but I feel now I am over it but still haven't managed to get past first dates with guys. I think I may be putting a barrier up to other guys and they don't want to see someone with such home problems. I feel like I'll be single forever right now and that the only guy that ever liked me found someone else better! Its not really a question but I would like some advice please.

Yin replies

Yin / Tyler

Hello there,

It is comon to feel like this after a break up, however despite the cliche there will be someone who will understand your situation. Everyone has baggage and as long as you make it clear to the other person that there is nothing with you and your ex then this should not be as much of a problem. The only thing that would get in the way is if they thought that you were staying there with some hope of reconciliation with your ex. Can you stay elsewhere if you start to date again? At a friends, or a family member to make things a bit less complicated? Don't let it hinder your confidence as you should put your dating life on hold for the mortage to get sorted. Remember that you found someone who is compatible with you once, you can do it again! He was not Mr Perfect, so he is still out there!

Yang replies

Yang / Lydia

Why not try and wait until the mortage thing is sorted and then you can end all ties with him and then move on. That way your life will have a fresh start and nothing to make you think about your past relationship? A good boyfriend cleanse is all you need to make you feel better. You are not going to get off to the best start if you are bringing dates home and being reminded of what you left. You need time to heal, so give yourself the chance to sort your single life out first and then you will be a much more confident person because you will have a clear head!


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