Ella asks :

Hi Lucy,


I really like this guy I'm 23 and his 26 I told him I like him and asked him out for a drink. He said he was flattered I like him but his happy doing what his doing and he's got a lot on ATM. I don't know what to do, do I move on and just be friends or do I wait for him?


Our Reply

Hi Ella, 

It sounds like he was letting you down gently by telling you he was ok at the moment. If he was interested in pursuing something in the future he might have given you a time frame, but he has left it open ended. 

I would suggest trying to find another guy to direct your attentions towards, as he sounds a bit non-committal. 

On the plus side it sounds like there was little awkwardness between you- he acknowledged that you like him- and most importantly you had the courage to tell someone that you want more than a friendship with them. If you have done this once you can do it again while still remaining on good terms with this guy. There are potentially a lot of positives to be taken from this experience so try to focus on those!


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