Hol asks :

Hi Lucy,

I've recently slept with someone, a few times. I went to the drop in clinic at a friend’s doctors for a chlamydia test (which was negative) and they started going on about that I could be pregnant and would have to go back in 2 weeks’ time to mine own doctors to do a pregnancy test, which was 2 weeks ago yesterday. I got put in the mini pill and came on a few says ago and has been really bad since taking this pill, so assuming I was pregnant I went to the drop in clinic at my doctors yesterday to see if they would change the pill for me and was told I have to go back next week for a pregnancy test because it's more than likely the pill that's making me bleed and they have to allow 3 weeks to do a pregnancy test! I told the person I had been sleeping with that I had to go back yesterday for a pregnancy test yesterday after I first went and now because they wouldn't do it he thinks I've made it all up and just going on at and making it all about him. I'm so stressed about the whole situation I just don't know what to do I just constantly feel like I'm going to break down in tears? Any advice would be much appreciated

Our Reply

Hi Hol,

This sounds very frustrating for you- that you are going through all of this without the support of your partner.

He is likely making it all about him because he is equally as stressed about everything as you are but that is his only way of coping with the situation. If he doesn’t want to believe you then that is his decision- but you know the truth and what you need to do to find out of you are pregnant or not.

Do you have friends or family that you can speak to about this, so you have some supports systems around you during this time? If you can, it might be worth trying to source them in case you feel like you need to cry and get stressed and have a listening ear when you do.  

Perhaps when you are more informed after you visit to the doctor then you could approach him again to talk about this. If you are pregnant, then ideally he needs to find a way to acknowledge the situation and work with you to make a decision about what you want to do moving forward. If he doesn't then I would suggest you ask the doctor as many questions as you can about your options to make the most informed decision as you can.

If you are not pregnant then try to find some contraception that works for you and that you are happy with, so you can have peace of mind that this situation is very unlikely to happen again until you have planned for it to. 

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