Daniel asks :

I am 18 years old and I recently met this girl who to cut a long story short well she is perfect. I really like her, I love everything about her and just want to be with her more than anything. But she is in a rather serious relationship with a guy.. This relationship however is really long distance due to him having to move away meaning that she hardly ever sees him, this is causing them to argue more and more but i don't want to come on to her to strong as if anything happens i would feel like i forced her to break up with him.. and i really truly do not know what to do, I want to be with her so badly, i can truly see us sharing our life together but i just really do not know what i should do.. please help me :(

Yin replies

You are right not to get involved in breaking them up by coming on too strong. If you do end up together this should be through a mutual attraction not because you have driven her away from her exiting relationship, this will only get you off on the wrong foot and is not a good basis for a relationship.

Yang replies

If it is on rocky ground and is not built to last then it will crumble with or without your intervention. If you tell her how you feel then she will be confused as to whether she actually wants to be with you or whether it is just an escape from her existing relationship.  Perhaps try to be her friend and put your feelings aside, or you could end up without her in either sense. If she does break up with him she will need time to heal and if not, she will need a friend to be by her side while she is going through a rough patch with her man.


If you are meant to be a couple, it will happen, you just need to be patient. 

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