Abbi asks :

I either sleep all day or not at all. I find I'll be in bed staring at my ceiling trying to sleep but unable no matter how tired I am. Then another day I'll wake up and realise I've been asleep more than 12 hours but still can't drag myself out of bed so I just switch on my tv and stay in bed. I used to love spending Tuesday with my mum and nephew but now I can't even get myself out of bed to meet them. The little appetite I had to begin with has almost vanished. I'll be starving one minute then after a few bites of food I'll be full: if it wasn't for my roommates I'd go days without eating. The only friends I have are long distance and i can't afford the train fare so I have no social life and I've been single for three an a half years. I hate my job and I only work part time so I'm constantly skint and they can't give me anymore hours. I've tried looking for a new job but I can't even get an interview, I don't make friends easy and guys just aren't interested in me. I need something to change but I don't know what else I can do.

Yin replies

It sounds like one thing has triggered off negative outlook on all other areas of your life. OK, one by one; Your eating habits could be causing your lack of energy, you should visit a doctor and talk through them giving you an eating plan that you stick to to not only make you eat regularly but eat things that will give you a boost in energy and in feel good hormones. This could be affecting your sleeping patterns too.

If you are not socialising much, it is essential that you get out of bed and go out with your mum and nephew, it may seem hard at first but you will thank yourself after you get some fresh air and company. If you are left alone this can be when you focus on the things you are not quite happy with in your life and ignore the things that are good.


Yang replies

If you are on a bit of a downer at the moment then your friendships and relationships might suffer. Start with trying to go out with your roommates and form stronger friendships with them, once you get your confidence back then you can start to look for something romantic. If you look sad then your whole body language will repel people rather than attract them. Make yourself a strict budget planner and try to save some money each pay day, it may not seem much but before you know it you will have the money to go and see your other friends and it will be something to look forward to and really cherish.  

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