Did she say yes?

Did she say yes?

September 24th 2014 took The Proposers to the Gherkin in London in a bid to help Peter propose to his long term girlfriend Marie. The only snag was that she thought she was going for an interview!

Peter told Marie that he had set up an interview with a potential business partner- in reality there was no meeting- it was just a way to get her to the location.

She spent weeks swatting up for the interview and get Peter to test her interview responses. He remained straight faced the whole time and she never suspected that it was just a ruse to get her to the proposal location.

When she arrived, Marie was greeted by her interviewer- Ian, who also works as a west end actor. He began the meeting with some less than generic questions like ‘Can Marie explain the prospects for making money from oil servicing business in Gabon’ ‘how do you feel about talking to strange men on planes?’ and ‘What do you think about Afrobeat, the popular Nigerian hip-hop music?’.

Ian then left the room to take a call and Marie watched a video of her and Peter and their lives together. As the video came to a close, Peter entered the room with flowers and got down on one knee and asked that all important question. Luckily she said ‘yes’ ensuring that The Proposers have not yet had a ‘no’ from any of their clients. 

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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