As its Open Up an Umbrella Indoors Day- we thought we would take a look at his Pixar themed proposal from April 2014.

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

On the 16th April 2012, Julia Faust presented her senior showcase at Southwestern College, as the audience clapped her off stage- she was diverted by a man with a red umbrella back onto stage to sit down and hold it above her head. A this point she seems to know what's coming as she bursts into tears.

The audience all stood up and opened up their black umbrellas while her husband to be- Aron Pfingsten- walked down the aisle with a bleu umbrella and a ring.

He took to the stage and asked her for her hand in marriage.

For any lovers of Pixar- this will melt your heart as it's clearly did Julia's!

Congratulations Aron and Julia!

And if you have never seen it before- here are some clips to make sense of it all! 

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