Ema asks :

I beem married for forty years i consider my self to have a good marrige. A year ago my husband was dionose with prostate cancer and be come impitent we dont have sex or make love any more i will never dream of been on faithful but some times i fell very loney. what can i do

Yin replies

Prehaps you should talk to your husband about how you are feeling, and tell him that although you understand why you are not having sex, and that it is not his fault, you feel quite lonely and still have your needs. Although you can't have sexual intercourse, it does not mean that other forms of sexual activity cannot be carried out, such as oral sex, and therefore ask him if you could engage in such activities every now and again. He should enjoy pleasuring you, and it would make you feel closer. Even just sitting together and cuddling up would help you to not feel so alone.

Yang replies

This is a difficult thing that the two of you, especially your husband, have had to go through, and it is understandable that in the physical department you have come to a holt. Try talking to him about it, and seeing whether the two of you can come up with something to deal with your situation. If nothing arises from it, then why not invest in a sex toy from our lingerie catalog. This will help to satisfy your needs, and could be great fun for you both if you used it together.

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