nikki asks :

My partner doesn't want commitment and we've split up. Should I just wait and bide my time until he makes up his mind or should I just get on with my life...

Yin replies

Sometimes commitment does freak people out a bit so there is a chance that your partner made a rash decision he will regret. However he may also be sure that he doesn't want to commit to you and it would be a waste of time waiting around.

I'd suggest you accept that it's over and move on with your life. If it does turn out that he changes his mind in the future then it's up to you to consider whether you want to take the risk and get back together with him. Don't wait around for something that might not happen though.

Yang replies

Move on sweetie! There's no point wasting your time hanging around and waiting for him to change his mind - when the chances are he never will.

To be honest I believe that you either want to commit to someone or you don't and that's something you know straight away. I suspect this guy knows he doesn't want to be with you forever- harsh as it may sound. And if you make it clear you are waiting for him to call the shots you are leaving yourself open to be taken advantage of. Would you really want to be with someone who is simply settling for you rather than really genuinely wanting to commit to you completely? Plenty more fish and all that.

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