Do you fit the bill?

Do you fit the bill?

For those of you thought infidelity was random, are here to prove you wrong! In fact if you are a nurse, living in the North East, in your late thirties- you are at high risk of being cheated on!

Many women in the study reported being cheated on at least twice when they believed to be in a monogamous relationship in their late thirties. When asked their age, job and home- the pattern below emerged. If you match any of the descriptions below then watch out! If your man has started to smell funny or has a lot of late night working commitments then you might have fallen into the trap!

A nurse in the North East

A teacher in Scotland

A stay at home mum in the South East

A retail worker in the West Midlands

A Receptionist in Wales

Sadly- 34% of the women who had been cheated on took their man back believing that he will never do the same to them again. Don’t hold your breath ladies!

George Charles, spokesperson for, made the following comments regarding the results of the study:

“Whilst many would assume that one is more susceptible to infidelity during their younger years, the fact that 37 emerged as the average age for women to be cheated on was somewhat of an unusual discovery. Whilst it is absolutely no excuse, it is possible that as a result of their long working hours and regular overnight shifts, nurses may be more prone to having a partner that strays.”


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