Woman on toilet

Woman on toilet

So at what point in relationship are certain things acceptable? Such as passing wind, peeing in front of him or clipping your toenails? There are some things a lot of women would agree are big no nos when you are with your man, however some ladies out there have no boundaries when it comes to showing their partners their relaxed side, which are you?

I once knew a girl who sat on her partner's lap while he was on the toilet. She said that you shouldn’t be embarrassed about doing anything in front of your man, especially if you are in it for the long haul, as they are bound to see you at your best and at your worst. They will see you in childbirth, during a bad period, hung over or ill so they need to get used to the less sexy side of yourself. After seeing Lady Gaga on the toilet is she still sexy?

They will notice when you are making an effort and when you are just lazing around the house. Just as you notice when they put on some aftershave and a nice suit to take you out to dinner or for a special occasion. If you looked perfect and acted perfect all the time wouldn’t the novelty wear off?

In a way I do agree with this, but can you ever get the image out of your head of your partner on the loo? I’m not sure! I am a firm believer that some things are solo activities, trips to the toilet being one of them.

When I asked the girls in the office, there were some things that they would never contemplate doing in front of their partners, one being dying their facial hair. Sometimes guys don’t realise that we have hair in all the places they do but we have to take measures to get rid of ours, but the sight of your girlfriend burning her moustache off with crème might scar him for life.

Another girl in the office said that cutting toe nails is also bad from, as they might flick up and hit them in the head and this is not exactly what they would call and aphrodisiac.

I’m sure we can all remember he scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts hides the dental floss from Richard Gere because it’s not sexy and she is worried about the effects of strawberries on her gums. Even so called perfect movie stars have hang ups in the bathroom!

Passing wind, although taboo, is one thing that us girls try to avoid despite the odd one slipping out when we least expect it, such as during pregnancy. Guys do it till their hearts are content and we don’t bat an eyelid, however if we began to do this they may think that we were morphing into men. However one of the girls in the office said that she combatted the fart cycle with really loud burps so her boyfriend finally met his match and stopped!

Waxing is never a great thing to have to get done and it is embarrassing enough getting your hairy bits out in front of the lady at the salon never mind you partner. With all the pulling and tearing sounds, it is more cringe worthy than appealing.

Now we all know that asking about periods is a sure fire way to get any man to drown out of the conversation or at least make it very awkward, so would you get your man to buy your monthly dose of tampons or towels? Maybe if he was going shopping for other things he could hide it among the trolley full of stuff? If he goes through the checkout with a female operator she might think he was the most considerate man in the world. However when it is the opposite sex, things can get more tricky as one of my friends once bought some condoms and the male checkout clerk said ‘ill pretend I didn’t see them!’ (cringe!)

We all have them, we all wear them, especially when we are feeling the effects of a particular bad period or a fat day; granny pants. Do you ever let your partner see you in these tummy tuckers? My roommate used to have one drawer full of what she called work and everyday pants (cotton briefs) and one drawer full of sexy lingerie. She led her boyfriend to believe that she wore the lace, leather and silk all the time, as she never revealed her secret stash to him. Is this you or do you happily walk around the house in Bridget Jones briefs?

So we want to know what are your boundaries? How far would you go to be comfortable with your partner, if at all? Are you reserved in what you do in front of him, or do you let loose and show him your unpolished side?

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