Romance boffins create formula for the ultimate smacker

We’re all on the quest for the perfect kiss and want to end our dry spells, but what if a formula could tell us exactly how good a snog was going to be, without ever having to do any snogging?! In what is clearly the breakthrough of the century, scientists have done exactly that, with a formula providing the key to the perfect snog.

Girls = (L2+3F) + (2G/Br) + (2RxH) / (CxO)

Boys = (L2+3F) + (2G/Br) + (2AxB) / (M)

Confused? That’s hardly surprising, but the formula is actually very simple. It’s been devised by experts at Wrigley’s to celebrate the launch of their fantastic new gum - Extra Ice with a liquid burst -and includes criteria such as how much you fancy the snogee, where you are when you snog them, and even how their hair smells! A score of over 91 is the ultimate for a tonsil-tastic tickle of a kiss.

It’s part of Wrigley’s drive to help us avoid dry spells. While boys focus on looks in the perfect snog, girls simply want romance and a giggle; the one thing they agree on is fresh breath! No one wants to lock lips with someone that has a mouth like a sewer!

Agony Aunt and journalist, Flic Everett is on the ball when it comes to how to get the best kissing action and is here live to show us how to increase our snogging confidence end our dry spell this Valentine’s!