Eek! My tights are laddered

Fix - It's always best to make light of a wardrobe malfunction, whether it is laddered tights, broken heel, or a a unplanned flash moment. Hopefully it will give you and your date a laugh later. If he is a true gent he will take a detour to the late night shop to buy you an emergency pair.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

You bump into your ex

Fix - Running into an ex can kill the mood for romance with a new date, especially if the break-up is still pretty fresh in your mind. Pre-plan and have another venue in mind and suggest to your date that you know a quieter place round the corner where you will be able to get to know each other better before whisking yourself away avoiding any damage. If your ex has already spotted you, make polite introductions before taking your new flame to another part of venue. remember you are not with your ex and keep your mind and conversation on your new man.

I've forgot my wallet

Fix - Be honest from the start, apologise profusely acknowledging how embarrassed you are. Most guys will be pretty relaxed about it, but give them the option of rearranging the date or offer to pay on the next date, (if you get another one). Do not take advantage by allowing him to spend too much on you.

Sorry what's your name?

Fix - Everyone suffers memory lapses and if you have more than one guy on the go you'll have plenty of detail to remember. Forgetting a name though ranks pretty high on the 'unforgivable' scale, so don't admit to your lapse. Listen carefully for any clues and try to sneak a peak at their credit card.

It's the restaurant from hell

Fix - Slow service, wrong orders and food that's just not eatable do not work for a first date. But on a date they can make for a great date. Turn this disasters into a positive by laughing about it. It'll give you something to talk about on your next date once when you recover from a bout of food poisoning.

You are late for a date

Fix - Turning up 15 minutes behind schedule is fashionably polite but any later and you just look rude. But if it's down to transport, wardrobe disasters or one of everyday life conspiracies, let them know as soon as possible that you're going to be late. Do it by phone rather than text so they can feel the sincerity in your voice.

No! He's stood you up…

Fix -: Being stood up is every girls worst nightmare, don't panic if your date hasn't turned up. Plan to have a magazine in your bag just incase it can keep busy while you have a drink at the bar. Send him a casual text to check you are at the right bar and that all is well. If there's reply and no sign of them after an hour, cut your losses and get out.

You have one too many

Fix - You started the night with the best of intentions, but a few hours later you're a bit wobbly and slurring your words. Sound familiar? So make sure you still remember in the morning by having no more alcohol and drinking water. But don't be afraid to call it a night if you feel that you are losing control.

You spill a drink on your date

Fix - Spilling a drink is difficult but in a busy place it's understandable. Apologise profusely, offer to pay the dry cleaning bill and fetch some tissues. And as a bonus you never know, gently dabbing at the stain could help build the chemistry between you. But do not follow him to the loo waving a wet tea towel.


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