Male Torso

Male Torso

Did you know it has a mind of its own or that it is shaped like a boomerang, well read on...

Penis length flaccid and erect

There is no consistent relationship between the size of a mans penis when flaccid penis and its full erect length.

Various studies show that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter inch to almost 4 inches longer.

You can't assume that the guy in the gym showers with a big slack penis will get much bigger with an erection, while the bloke with a small flaccid penis could surprise with a big erection.

Alfred Kinsey the famous American biologist famous for his studies on sex and sexual behaviour studied more than thousand measurements that shows the shorter flaccid penises tend to gain about twice as much length as longer flaccid penises.

This brings us to the terminology Shoers and Growers. These none medical terms are for used to describe a penis that doesn't gain much length with an erection has become known as a 'show-er,' and a penis that gains a lot is said to be a 'grower'.

Kinsey's data concluded that most penises aren't extreme show-ers or growers, with just over 10% of penises gaining one-third or less of their total length with an erection, and while only 7% doubled in length when erect.

Penis shape - boomerang

A guys penis is shaped like a boomerang.
As in the case of an iceberg three fifths are below the water, well the penis is similar, the root of your penis buried away inside your pelvis and attached to your pubic bone.

MRI pictures, show the penis looks distinctly boomerang- like, with it's fact being confirmed by a French researcher who had MRI scans taken of men and women having sex. All in the name of science we hasten to add.

A procedure of "penis enlargement" cuts the ligament that holds the root of the penis up inside the pelvis allowing the root to drop down and giving the owner a little extra length as more of the penis protrudes from the body. But beware the side effects, the ligament, called the suspensory ligament, makes an erection stand up. With that ligament detached, the erect penis loses its upward angle making it wobbly at the base which can lead to injury.

You've probably noticed that your penis often does its own thing.

Your penis is breakable

The mans penis no longer has a bone but beware you can break your penis just the same. Labelled a penile fracture, and when it happens you will know. There's "an audible snap, the penis turns black and blue and the guy will be in agony.

Though penile fractures are relatively rare, it typically happens to younger men because their erections tend to be quite hard.

To avoid a penile fracture don't use your penis too roughly. A common cause is the fracture happens is when a man is thrusting too hard and fast during sex, and hits his partner's pubic bone, though she would possibly suffer from injury to her pubic bone in the process. It may also happen as a result of the woman moving hard while on top of a man during sex.

Peyronie's syndrome a related condition is found in older men. In older man their erection's tend not to be as rigid, but can still be sturdy enough to facilitate sex. Over time, the penis can bend in a set way during sex causing small tears in the tissue. These tears can form scars, and a build up of scar tissue can cause the penis to form an abnormally curved shape.

Not all penis curvature is a problem, however. "There is a lot of variability in what normal is," Cummings says.

Most penises in the world are not circumcised

A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) studies show that worldwide approximately only 30% of males aged 15 and up are circumcised.

Rates vary greatly and are dependant upon religion and nationality. Jewish and Muslim males the world over are circumcised for religious reasons, and together they account for about 70% of all circumcised males globally.

The United States has the highest proportion of males circumcised for non-religious reasons. A 75% of non-Jewish, non-Muslim American men are circumcised. Compare that to Canada, where only 30% are. In the U. K. it's 20%; in Australia it's merely 6%.

The practice of circumcising baby boys for medical and cosmetic reasons has become controversial in the U.S. But recently the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UUNAIDS recommended circumcision for adult men, based upon evidence that men with circumcised penises have a lower risk of being infected with HIV.

Your penis does have a mind of its own

You've probably noticed that your penis often does its own thing. You may recall times when it was completely inappropriate to have an erection and yet the man didn't seem to care.

Men you will be received to know that it's not always your fault as its a fact you have less command over your penis than other body parts such as your arms and legs. Why - because the penis is powered by a rebellious part of your nervous system that's not always under your conscious control called the autonomic nervous system, which also regulates heart rate and blood pressure.

Sexual arousal is usually involuntary. The conscious mind is also not completely innocent in these matters as it willingly works with the subconscious autonomic nerves but a lot of sexual arousal goes on in the sympathetic nervous system. Additionally impulses from the brain during the REM phase of sleep cause erections, whether you're dreaming about sex or about a test you forgot to study for.

Just as the penis stands up without permission it can also pack up on its own. Exposure to cold water or air can make your penis shrink, its a function of the sympathetic nervous system.

Psychological stress can also trigger the sympathetic nervous system, to shrink a guys penis When you're relaxed and feeling well, your flaccid penis looks bigger than when you're stressed out.

The penis is indeed a barometer of a mans psychological well being.


Did you know it has a mind of its own or that it is shaped like a boomerang, well read on...

Penis length flaccid and erect

There is no consistent relationship between the size of a mans penis when flaccid penis and its full erect length.

Various studies show that increases from flaccid to erect lengths ranged widely, from less than a quarter inch to almost 4 inches longer.

You can't assume that the guy in the gym showers with a big slack penis will get much bigger with an erection, while the bloke with a small flaccid penis could surprise with a big erection.

Alfred Kinsey the famous American biologist famous for his studies on sex and sexual behaviour studied more than thousand measurements that shows the shorter flaccid penises tend to gain about twice as much length as longer flaccid penises.

This brings us to the terminology Shoers and Growers. These none medical terms are for used to describe a penis that doesn't gain much length with an erection has become known as a 'show-er,' and a penis that gains a lot is said to be a 'grower'.

Kinsey's data concluded that most penises aren't extreme show-ers or growers, with just over 10% of penises gaining one-third or less of their total length with an erection, and while only 7% doubled in length when erect.

Penis shape - boomerang

A guys penis is shaped like a boomerang.
As in the case of an iceberg three fifths are below the water, well the penis is similar, the root of your penis buried away inside your pelvis and attached to your pubic bone.

MRI pictures, show the penis looks distinctly boomerang- like, with it's fact being confirmed by a French researcher who had MRI scans taken of men and women having sex. All in the name of science we hasten to add.

A procedure of "penis enlargement" cuts the ligament that holds the root of the penis up inside the pelvis allowing the root to drop down and giving the owner a little extra length as more of the penis protrudes from the body. But beware the side effects, the ligament, called the suspensory ligament, makes an erection stand up. With that ligament detached, the erect penis loses its upward angle making it wobbly at the base which can lead to injury.

Your penis is breakable

The mans penis no longer has a bone but beware you can break your penis just the same. Labelled a penile fracture, and when it happens you will know. There's "an audible snap, the penis turns black and blue and the guy will be in agony.

Though penile fractures are relatively rare, it typically happens to younger men because their erections tend to be quite hard.

To avoid a penile fracture don't use your penis too roughly. A common cause is the fracture happens is when a man is thrusting too hard and fast during sex, and hits his partner's pubic bone, though she would possibly suffer from injury to her pubic bone in the process. It may also happen as a result of the woman moving hard while on top of a man during sex.

Peyronie's syndrome a related condition is found in older men. In older man their erection's tend not to be as rigid, but can still be sturdy enough to facilitate sex. Over time, the penis can bend in a set way during sex causing small tears in the tissue. These tears can form scars, and a build up of scar tissue can cause the penis to form an abnormally curved shape.

Not all penis curvature is a problem, however. "There is a lot of variability in what normal is," Cummings says.

Most penises in the world are not circumcised

A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) studies show that worldwide approximately only 30% of males aged 15 and up are circumcised.

Rates vary greatly and are dependant upon religion and nationality. Jewish and Muslim males the world over are circumcised for religious reasons, and together they account for about 70% of all circumcised males globally.

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