It makes you burp- When you consume a fizzy drink, the carbonic acid fills the stomach with air, which creates pressure, thus moving the air back up the gullet resulting in a belch- not sexy!

Soda can effect your relationship in so many ways

Soda can effect your relationship in so many ways

It rots your teeth- The sugar reacts with the bacteria in your plaque producing harmful acids that cause decay, so they become a threat to your oral health. Who wants to lip lock with someone who has voluntarily done this to their mouth?

It lowers your libido- Even if you drink diet soda, your likely consuming the sweetener aspartame- this is associated with headaches- making the age old excuse a reality.

The risk to your life- Women who have over three sugary drinks a week have an increased risk of developing breast cancer ( Soda can also cause weight gain, coronary heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes. So if you want to live a long and happy life together- stop drinking the stuff now!

The effect it has on your mobility- A study by Boston's Tufts University found that women who drank cola had a lower bone mineral density than those who drank it less or not at all, even if their calcium intake was high in the rest of their diet. If you want good mobility into your latter years to go for walks, to have sex or to get out and about with your loved one- you need to make the switch to water.

It affects your mood- The constant sugar rush and crash will make your mood fluctuate- which is great while you're on a high but when you're in your slump, once the sugar has worn off, your partner will get the brunt. Your relationship will be very volatile as a result.

It's expensive- If you're a couple who needs to cut back and penny pinch- this is the easiest way to do so. Order tap water when you go out for something to eat instead of soda and don't buy any when you go the supermarket and you will see the pounds drop off your bills.

You'll get a good night's sleep- Drinking soda with your evening meal will keep you up long past your bedtime and if you're restless you will probably keep your partner up all night with you. This will only make you resent sleeping next to each other.

It can cause premature birth in pregnant women- A study conducted in Demark found that those pregnant women who drank soft drinks were more likely to give birth prematurely. It was concluded that the chemicals in the artificial sweeteners changed the wombs of the women (

It can increase your risk of Alzheimer's- In America scientists found that when mice were fed five cans of sugary drinks per day, they had worse memories than those whose who didn't. There was also twice the amount of brain deposits associated with the disease. This implies that sugary drinks may be associated with Alzheimer's. If you want to hold onto your memories of being together and remember who each other are at the end of your lives- don't take the risk by consuming soda. (

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