Modern technology has allowed for millions of couples who were previously unable to conceive to have children through treatments like IVF and ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection), but new research has shown that 1 in 7 couples are unprepared for infertility and the long processes that follow.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The research was conducted by the University of Oxford Health Experiences Research Group and consisted of a range of interviews with couples, to determine whether the couples knew what was causing their infertility and if they knew of the processes behind treatment and how likely it is to succeed or fail.

Just under a quarter of the cases were ‘unexplained infertility’, 50 per cent were due to multiple causes and 30 per cent of cases were due to the male being infertile.

What became evident in the interview was not only the long and strenuous ordeal of multiple tests to determine what type of treatment was necessary, but most couples said that it was the not knowing and the waiting that was the most painful.

Most couples said that they were completely unprepared for how physically and emotionally painful fertility treatment was going to be.

Something that became evident was the lack of support from doctors and GP’s, with couples saying that unless you’ve been through it, it’s hard to imagine how difficult it is not to be able to have children.

The men interviewed also said that at times they felt as though they were being side-lined when their partners were going through the treatment.

 Dr Lisa Hinton, senior qualitative researcher at the University of Oxford, says, “We spoke to a range of men and women between the ages of 25 and 40. The people we spoke to were very honest about their experiences and described in detail the physical and emotional toll that going through the 'infertility process' had on them. Not being able to conceive a child can be devastating and the like a rollercoaster with more downs than ups.”

To help those couples who cannot conceive and are preparing for fertility treatment, have launched the new infertility section of their website today. It aims to help couples with their concerns, treatments and how to cope with infertility.