Dame Esther Rantzen is self-isolating with her daughter.

Dame Esther Rantzen

Dame Esther Rantzen

The 79-year-old television star has cancelled a cruise booking amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, as she decided it would be "sensible" to stay inside and contact people by phone.

Appearing on ITV's 'This Morning' via a video link on Monday (16.03.20), she said: "I should be on a cruise right now but I decided that it would be inappropriate if I got myself locked away."

Esther - who has stocked up on supplies at her local shop - revealed her daughter is staying at home with her.

She explained: "I've got my daughter with me because she has health problems, she has ME... I think some of us are getting that Second World War feeling."

Last year, Esther - who fronted BBC's 'That's Life!' for 21 years until 1994 and founded the ChidLine charity - celebrated 50 years on TV.

However, she admitted she wasn't convinced she'd have a long career when she first started because she wasn't "attractive enough".

She previously said: "I didn't think for a minute I'd be presenting 50 years later. I sat next to my lovely friend John Pitman and we clutched each other's knees.

"We were quite frightened and thought we'd be found out within five minutes and sent packing to our typewriters.

"We didn't think for a minute we'd last a week, never mind a series or 50 years. I just didn't think I had the cheekbones, I didn't think I was nearly attractive enough."

Despite amassing 50 years on the TV, Esther admits she isn't thinking about retiring anytime soon.

She added: "My children are on at me all the time to retire. But the right moment never seems to come along."

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