Amelia Le Bruin wasn't surprised to leave the 'Great British Bake Off' this week.

GBBO judge Paul Hollywood

GBBO judge Paul Hollywood

The 24-year-old fashion designer departed the tent after failing to rise to the challenge during Bread Week but she always knew it would be the toughest task for her to overcome.

She said: "'It's no surprise to me that I left on Bread Week, it's never been my strength.

"I didn't rise to the challenge of Bread Week exactly, but I literally had so much fun. I tried my best and I would like to think that I've proved I'm a good baker."

Amelia admitted leaving the show felt like ending a relationship.

She told the show's website: "The whole process of leaving the tent felt a bit like a break up. The sadness, the denial, a bit of it's not you it's me, so you have to remind yourself it's still an amazing achievement.

"The bond this year was so intense, we will be friends forever, 100%. We bonded so quickly as we share the same passions, and fully understood how each other were feeling. We still talk all the time. Friends for life!"

And the baker is planning to use Prue Leith and Paul Hollywood's tips in her future culinary projects.

She said: "Since leaving the tent I have learned so much. Knowing what I know now, if I could do it all again I would do some things differently, but I have no regrets.

"I'm glad that I have learned loads from it. Prue and Paul's feedback was very insightful and really helpful. Sometimes it can just be a small comment - Paul said to use plain flour instead of self-raising in my cakes - this means you have more control over the rise using different amounts of baking powder, so this is something I've experimented with since leaving."