True Blood

True Blood

A great theme tune is a real art form. Not only does it have to keep you entertained for that brief window of time, but it has to get you prepared for the sort of experience that you’re about to experience.

The best do this with ease, not only getting themselves stuck in your head, but also getting you in exactly the right mind-set that the show’s producers are wanting to get across. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the best theme tunes on TV right now and exactly why we love them.


7) Pretty Little Liars

Now, own up, who shushes at the end of theme too? We know we do.

Short, catchy and nicely off kilter, it sums up exactly what we like about the show, with the quirky vocals always making us chime along.

6) American Horror Story

While most great theme tunes are catchy, American Horror Story’s is perhaps the best on this list for setting the tone of a show.

It might not even class as a theme ‘tune’, but this horrific sequence of groans and ominous beats is the perfect set up for Ryan Murphy’s pantomime horror and in combination with its grotesque intro serves as a great way to open up this ghoulish show.

5) Big Bang Theory

Quick fire, funny and cooky, this is a great way to start The Big Bang Theory.  In getting The Barenaked Ladies to perform this as well, the show got absolutely the perfect band for the tone of the show.

That the band has even included it into their gigs when touring is an easy way to see that’s quickly become recognisable and enjoyable.

4) Downton Abbey

Light, airy, but with just enough drama and poise to it make it interesting, nothing gets us in the mood for dinner with the Crawley’s like this lovely classical ditty.

It may be short, but the mixture of piano and string quartet is pitch perfect for Julian Fellowes period drama, welcoming in the viewer and letting them know that they’re in for a nostalgia soaked evening.

3) True Blood

It may be on for ages, but this is easily the most singable of all the theme tunes on our list, making us get our southern drawl on whenever we hear it. From that moody guitar just waiting to hold on to a chord for a delightfully long time, this is a theme tune that we never skip through when we tune in to the adventures of Sookie Stackhouse.

Sexy, dirty and proudly southern, it suits True Blood to a tee.

2) Doctor Who

Some shows have become defined by their theme tune. Doctor Who is absolutely one of those shows. Throughout the massive history of the BBC’s premier sci-fi show, nearly everything has changed. Apart from a blue phone box and that iconic theme tune.

Over the years it’s been a little altered, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse, but it’s always remained the same pounding theme at heart, with the world’s best use of a Theremin.

1) Game Of Thrones

C’mon, it was always going to be this. Full of ridiculous instrumentation, gigantic pomp and swelling strings, nothing gets us as excited for a show than the Game Of Thrones theme tune.

No other theme on here involves a full orchestra and is grand enough to be the intro to any multi-million dollar motion picture, winning this for Game Of Thrones almost by default.

That the theme can be subtly changed and deliver a completely different type of hit just makes its victory all the more deserved.


Do you have any theme tunes that you love? Let us know in the comments.