Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice

Britain's Princess Beatrice's personal trainer says she is "in great shape".

The 24-year-old beauty has been working with Nadya Fairweather on a weekly basis since 2009 and she admires the young royal's commitment to her fitness and is pleased she has taken a healthy approach to achieving her toned figure.

Nadya said: "Beatrice is an amazing client. She does plenty of training on her own between our sessions which makes it easier for me to keep challenging her with new equipment and different styles of training.

"Beatrice is in great shape. She eats, which helps. She eats really healthily but she eats, which is massive in a celebrity world full of people starving themselves and doing crazy fad diets which I just do not agree with. Beatrice has beautiful curves and she embraces that."

Shortly after Beatrice began to work with Nadya she wanted to push herself and decided to run a marathon and more recently she climbed Western Europe's tallest peak, Mount Blanc, where she reached the 4,810 metre summit with five friends.

Nadya added: "She decided she wanted to run the marathon so I got her ready for that. That was an amazing personal challenge. She climbed Mont Blanc about a year ago too, she really loved it. She found it so challenging but amazing. She said it was brilliant and she felt fit, which was really good."

When the princess is in London she trains for about an hour a week and they squeeze a full body work out into the sessions.

Nadya told the Sunday Express newspaper: "We do a full body workout each time I see her.

"We fit loads into a one-hour session as she has an amazing recovery time between sets of exercises."

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